one thing i learned watching Leo DiCaprio soak airline logo decals off toy planes in a hotel bathtub is one difference between a "normal" & a "criminal" mind is the latter has a great deal more ambitious imagination
What only could a dude that owns multiple tech companies (at least one of which depends on ad-revenue), do with peoples personal information? A real headscratcher (if one is freshly lobotomized).
You're definitely not wrong but in this case I feel like it's one of those "look at this asshole letting their star shine so bright it drowns out everyone else" situations.
Regardless, god does that site suck so fucking bad
Lol, as if a rich guy would ever steal from poor people in aggregate to get even richer despite the widespread suffering it causes. That only happens (quick google) basically every time.
I could think of thousands of things I could do if I had people's bank account info, their SSNs, date of birth, full names, and addresses in addition to having absolutely no moral or ethical standards. Not to mention all the other PII he has, the AI generated pictures, voices...
They are going to try to impose facial recognition & fingerprint verification for things like taxes & government benefits (if there are any left). No thanks. I don't want my info ending up in Israel, though they probably already do all of the domestic US spying that the FBI isn't allowed to do.
I’m not worried about what he will do with SS#. It’s his band of merry hackers that have the maturity of a 15 y/o that bothers me. Perhaps, they’ll start a side business selling the information. Perhaps, delete someone’s identity all together just for fun. The possibilities are endless.
Regardless, god does that site suck so fucking bad
Cheers to this one petty dolt who could fuck up a two-car funeral
Where is your agency and sense of control?