I mean, cool, but unless he has law enforcement capabilities, he's useless. He'll be ignored, and since most of trump's cabinet is going to be "acting secretary" to avoid confirmations, I don't know how this guy can help.
Yes this is exactly what I was thinking. Unless he has some enforcement capabilities he will be ignored. If they have the ability to communicate those ethics violations to the public that could be helpful, but 70 million people won't believe it.:(
and i think communicating it to the public in absence of accountability actually benefits the demagogue because it makes people lose trust in the govt and want to wreck it all. remember drain the swamp?
This is excellent news, but OGE makes referrals to DOJ for ethics violations that violate criminal code. Guarantee Trump’s DOJ will pursue 0 referrals.
Because Trump followed all the ethics rules last time? And that was without IMMUNITY! 🙄 Half the country are fools who voted for a dictator and the other half is whistling past the graveyard! 🤦🏻♀️
there’s literally no enforcement mechanism if the president doesn’t want to enforce any ethic program in the US. that seems like a problem that should have been fixed the first time. is any appointee even going to submit a financial disclosure?
That’s one thing I expected to hear about this past election was about the mail and how it was slowed down etc like what DeJoy tried to pull last time in 2020 but it’s oddly stayed entirely off the radar this time. Hmm
If they don’t sign then this administration doesn’t have to turnover any passwords. They can get the 1/2 President to break the codes. He’s supposed to be smart.
I can't imagine the loathsome executive-to-be and his minions give a flying fuck whether they are found to be behaving unethically. Now, if there are consequences applied with said findings, things could get interesting!
Not sure why a grifter availed of monarch-like powers granted by SCOTUS would be compelled to follow ethical rules or norms?!
Unfortunately, I doubt this will be one of those guardrails I keep hearing about that are expected to save US democracy.
This is not only hilarious but also extremely important and thank goodness some of those maga cultists are focused only on bathrooms while these type of decisions are taking place.
The story feels good, but it’s meaningless. Walter Shaub was the Dir for 5 1/2 mos of the first Trump reign. He resigned ‘cause Trump had no use for an Ethics Dir
Looks like deck chairs to me.
A brief heartfelt message at the end of a miserable day can help somebody go on.
And it also helps their support staff and aides who are the frontline in receipt of a lot of garbage.
Unfortunately, I doubt this will be one of those guardrails I keep hearing about that are expected to save US democracy.
I’m gonna laugh to keep from crying 😂
In the article, “… the small agency, with about 70 employees, can only advise on ethics — not enforce rules”