making fun of people who committed suicide is fucked up, period. someone being a bad person doesn’t automatically mean being a bad person to them is acceptable. imagine how his family (who ill remind did nothing wrong) would feel coming across shit like this. they’re the only ones it’s hurting
it was classified by coroner as accidental and making fun of hitler is objectively good even if he blew his brains out (not to say that twomad was like hitler but he was still a pos)
either way if someone you knew od’d regardless of whether or not they’re perceived as a good person it’s gonna hurt. you’re not hurting the guy who did something wrong, you’re hurting the people around him who again did nothing wrong, what’s the benefit?
fuck idk i was just made a stupid tweet that i didnt think would pick up at all, what's the end goal with you policing everything you see online? You're account is all just you arguing with different people like shut the fuck up man