The reason to fight is not necessarily to win. It is to do the right thing. There is immense satisfaction in working for causes and ideal greater than yourself. You must do good wherever you can. And when you cannot you bear witness. It is why I am past grief, past depression.
- Edmund Burke
We don’t fight fascism because we’re going to win, we fight fascism because it is fascist.
- Jean-Paul Sartre
I would add that action is more powerful than words. Even small acts of resistance and/or support for marginalized groups is beneficial. This message is particularly salient for white people who may not experience the consequences of the election as drastically as others.
When you look back, in a few decades, you know you took the right action!
I felt that way myself a couple of weeks ago, after election returns came in. But I'm still here, alive, and I think God would want me to fight back against the particular darkness of this time.
From Charlie P. Pierce, Esquire:
It is incorrect to call what the GOP has a “trifecta.” They pretty clearly have the Supreme Court, too. So what they actually have is a “superfecta.” This has been a public service announcement from the New York Racing Association.