I was in Ukraine this week. I wrote on Substack about how we can stop talking about Ukraine like it's an economic asset. https://marcroscoeloustau.substack.com. Join the conversation on Substack!
I'm mad ...at dem leaders too! Where are they? Yeah, you guys have the same ones on all the time but where are the rest of them? We need EVERY SINGLE DEM REP out there/here EVERY SINGLE DAY... EVERY WHERE!
It shows how incredibly difficult it is to get through to some of the cult. If you're Ukrainian and you agree with Trump's handling of Zelensky & his favoritism of Russia, I just don't know what to say to this person. The figure of Trump is more important than your culture/ethnicity
@nytpitchbot.bsky.social Over a warm bowl of homemade winter borscht at the 2nd Avenue lower Eastside’s Ukrainian Home this former communications director for Yanukovych explains why Zelensky’s rudeness has divided Ukraine and is bad for its future.
The Ukrainians out in Brighton Beach are very much aligned with the Russians in the area. Not a good example. NYT once again aiding the administration.
One of the weird things about the article is it quotes a stat that Brighton Beach voted for Trump 2:1, without mentioning that Ukrainians are just one of many immigrant groups that live there (including many Russians!).
Yeah the problem here is that these pro-Trump “Ukrainians” are more likely Russia supporters - not the people actually living in Ukraine who are defending their country against a Russian invasion.
The Times works hard at finding people who will agree with Trump/Republicans on every issue, especially if it seems they shouldn’t. This is one of their go to techniques. They don’t do this for Democrats. For the Democrats the articles feature people who should agree with them but don’t.
NYTimes can’t get over the “coffee shop in Midwest” syndrome. Like talking to 6 old white farmers represent everyone. And that’s when they actually venture west of Philly.
Exactly!! That’s what I mean! They have an image that’s based on Golden Books kids stories. My husband and I still laugh about the “10-acre ranch” some dude in a story had. That’s a vacation cabin, that’s no ranch.
And to be absolutely clear: Bothsidesing is not a weird trick that makes every article more interesting. It can make the reporter and outlet look dishonest or just weird. It can make the article confusing.
This was Trump/Vance objective to humiliate Zelenskyy on the international stage and force elections in Ukraine to get an Autocratic Putin lackey. Why did those Ukrainians who oppose Zelenskyy come to America vs going to Russia ?
The Oval Office attempted shakedown of Zelensky removed any doubt about tRump’s alliances and loyalties and his plan for the USA. Are there enough real Americans in Congress to impeach this Russian asset and his flunky? The world is watching.
I don’t believe your spreading misinformation about the support that Zelensky and Ukraine have from the people her in the United States. What’s your point trying to normalize what trump did? WTF is with you!
Not enough. The Republican party can do far better in showing support for Ukraine. I don't even remember them once thanking Ukraine for defending democracy!
Gotta wonder if Dewine regrets that now. Sort of like how he eventually came to regret coming out full-force in favor of masks and shutdowns at Covid's beginning (though he claimed otherwise).
In Sacramento we had a wave of really conservative evangelical Ukrainian refugees show up in the aught. They were involved in fighting marriage equality, etc. So I could see this but for areas with older established immigrant communities nope
It wasn’t a shouting match. It was two Putzes yelling at an Ally whose country is at war with russia. putin’s puppets were doing exactly as they were told to do. It was dump’s version of the WWE.
Would somebody please talk about the definition of treason and our country isn’t it about”aiding and abetting the enemy?’ why do Trump’s actions not qualify?
Not sure why we don’t see Spartz’s constituents come out strongly against her ? She has been a disgrace to Ukrainians and to American values. But then again all Republicans have ceded their oath and their responsibilities.
Think about that statement. Imagine being Ukrainian American and voting for trump. You should probably check yourself into a mental institution because that's a sign of mental unwellness and lack of intelligence.
Yet Rep. Max Miller still hasn’t done anything to repeal the unlawful & unconstitutional halt on USAID funds & programs, which include aid for Ukraine. Nor has he called for investigation into the extent to which, if any, Trump or others may have acted as agents for a foreign government.
Given that the personality disorder required for the most rabid Trump-worship knows no nationality, there's always some nut to stick a microphone in front of.
How about In Ohio where Vance while running for the Senate from that state specifically said” I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine” same way he’d never been on a picket line while auto workers were on strike there see the pattern never been anywhere done anything but knows all about it
A native Upper Midwesterner
Sick and tired of the NyT giving "equal" coverage to "both" sides in all this.
If you support Drumpf, you support Putin. Fucking traitors
Now it’s full-on revenge on his “enemies” until someone stops him.
He’s also opened all of our tax dollars up to Musk and others to plunder.