I've used mine like 4 times in 12 years - my arm and a fork work fine, I don't get into baking such massive quantities that it's worth hauling out and cleaning.
Do you seriously think I'd forgo these purchases if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting their outcome? I bought them thirty-five minutes ago.
When I was a kid part of the fun of opening presents was the whack ass boxes my parents would put presents into. Nothing like opening a gift that's in a box that says, "Caution: contains dry ice" or whatever.
There's the rub. I had one but I sold it because I don't have room for it, it was always in storage, I no longer do things that need a stand mixer because no time, and it was pink (not my choice).
We call that age, whatever it is for you, the sock line. When you realize that socks and underwear are frickin expensive and annoying to have to spend money on, so you are genuinely grateful when someone else does it for you. (Unless they are gifting you cheap terrible socks and undies)
It was if I brought a magic wand or light saber for the 12yos.
Especially when we made cannoli creme.
And making whipped cream from scratch was straight out of the little green guys of Toy Story.