I don't pretend to know answers, how you feel, what you're going through. But I'm glad to listen and be an online friend. Here, TwiX, or IG/Threads. I can be a sounding board, a place to yell, or a place to cry. Whatever you need.
(1/2) I’ve been estranged from the woman who gave birth to me since university and it is one of the best decisions I ever made (when i refer to my mum on here I mean my step mum, who I like). My dad still occasionally asks me when my birthday is (??) and once told me a story about the best egg salad
Sandwich he ever ate. He bought it from a hospital vending machine while I was being born, and them casually added “which was important too, obviously, but it was a REALLY good sandwich)
Also parents suck sometimes. Offering hugs if you want them ❤️
I'm sorry to hear that. My mom never wanted to know anything about me, and she was in my life regularly until I kicked her out of it a couple years ago. She refused to get to know me. We deserved better. 🫂
My daughter and granddaughter taught me more about life and love than anyone. Don't sweat about his failures. My daughter's name is Melissa!🥰 My granddaughter is Journey!🥰
I cannot understand a father purposely having nothing to do with their child. I hear about it all the time of course, but as a father myself I will never understand it. 😔
Also parents suck sometimes. Offering hugs if you want them ❤️
Despite a life without him in it, you have grown to be beautiful 🔥, brilliant, sassy, fierce, incredibly kind and incredibly warm and loving.
Love you ❤️
It’s what we do with our choices.
You are awesome.
Happy Friday ❤️