An unprecedented number of states and international organizations have submitted statements, an unprecedented number of states will give oral statements. All of this goes to show one thing: this is one, nay, THE most important case in the history of the Court.
Vanuato points out that the existence human-created climate change is a consensus. Of scientists. Of states. It is almost ridiculous that it is necessary to say this. But it is.
Vanuato points out that the COP failed. Even if commitments are respected, disaster will follow. "There is an urgent need for a collective response to climate change".
I will not post the details of the hearing. But note that over the next days an unprecedented number of documents will be made available and numerous of the best international lawyers will argue the case.
But if you just thought that the identification of legal obligations going forward is complex enough, do be aware that Vanuatu and others are arguing that the massive pollution caused by a handful of states is an internationally wrongful act. Logically resulting in obligations of restitution.
Suspense ...