But is it a real lady bug? Or an asian beetle? They cause irritation. Millions target my house every fall for 2-3 days! Every square inch of house sun side covered! Filled the utility panel solid! Until i filled to hole! Smelt burning? Took cover off! OMG 3” deep asian beetles!
I love ladybugs. Spraying on ground and in the air means I no longer do . If a person lives near farms that spray insects with chemicals they are exposed to cancer and other illnesses. I live in a province that also desiccates grains with round up to make them ripen faster.
Storytime: In college, my stoop was overwhelmed by these tiny bugs. My roommate and I decided lady bugs WILL fix this. We proceeded to buy a bag of ladies/unleashed them. It was a massacre. The ladies were slain beyond our worst expectations.
It was among the saddest days of my life. :(
When we were little, our grandfather released jars full of ladybugs into his garden. Years later, my sister published a book of poetry in which she described those jars as "Here's luck, crawling all over itself."
I love ladybugs. I don't think I've seen any on the Gulf Coast of TX. Another thing I miss seeing from living here. Fall colors, snow, tulips, and lightning bugs. 😟
They are one little bug that I won’t scream when they land on me. I once had a tiny infestation of them, I got every single one and released them outside.
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
There's documentaries about the fascinating dynamic between ladybirds, ants and aphids... The ants effectively farm the aphids and try to protect them from ladybirds, so they (ants) can collect the sugary liquid the aphids secrete.
Pretty harmless, didn't negatively affect crops, but they did bite a lot.
Still. Cutest Biblical plague I've ever seen. Up to now, anyway.
It was among the saddest days of my life. :(
They're LADY bugs.
And 🐝
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
They are gone for the season. They hybernate in the hills above us.
And the ladybird heard
But the ladybird never said a word.
I love them too.