Q: Why do H1-B people need entry level jobs anyway? I thought these were supposed to be the best and brightest? Shouldn't they all be advanced level?
A: The top high school student in France comes to the US to study CompSci at Harvey Mudd. She graduates head of her class but has no work experience.
A: The top high school student in France comes to the US to study CompSci at Harvey Mudd. She graduates head of her class but has no work experience.
True story: I’ve worked with them for almost ten years and know firsthand they are NOT the “brightest “. There is truth to what Elon and Vivek said about that base, they ARE stupid. This is about low wages not IQ which is there argument
An employer can sponsor an H1-B for her. But < 3 years experience, is entry level
And why we pretend that tech immigration is valid, but agricultural immigration or food service immigration are not.
yeah yeah sure temporary tourism is just that but I mean if a person can come here and participate in our society for a decade why the heck not make them a citizen?
Got a high-value person you want to bring in? Overbid and it'll cost you the same as everyone else.
👴🏻No! Go back to China!
👩🏻OK... I will leave. I guess I should apply for jobs to write code in China now.
👴🏻No! We compete with China!
👩🏻So... I can stay?
👴🏻No! Get out!
When almost none of these things are zero-sum. Immigration is positive sum. Healthcare is positive. UBI is positive. Access to education, etc.
This comes up a lot as a question from people outside the U.S. Why so few Americans in the international offices?
Like yeah Dubai, but it what kids in similar situations in Europe or Asia often do.
Before some states moved to free comm college for first time students, even community college was more expensive.
I just picked France because it's the first country that popped into my head that was not China, India, or Iran.
Note: I’m a Mudd alum and love what they’ve done with the CS dept. But the cost is pretty crazy.