There's this Herculean effort to never hold voters that choose fascism accountable for anything.
Any wrong decision that they made is because someone else tricked them! It was Cambridge Analytica! It was Fox! It was disinfo! It was bad messaging!
Anything but ever taking accountability.
There's this Herculean effort to never hold voters that choose fascism accountable for anything.
Any wrong decision that they made is because someone else tricked them! It was Cambridge Analytica! It was Fox! It was disinfo! It was bad messaging!
Anything but ever taking accountability.
Reposted from
Democrats need to stop saying “I told you so,” and start saying “people are hurting because of this man. We need to help.”
If people in your life get pissed because you’re reminding them this is what they voted for then those people shouldn’t be in your life.
WILD to me that so many think it unreasonable and unfair to hold Trump voters to the same standards/expectations we hold toddlers
If he throws it a few more times and it breaks, I tell him, "I'm sorry you broke your toy. Do you know why it broke?"
He answers correctly. He's five.
You know why Trump was so successful? It's because he let people's worst selves out. And while I'm not advocating that approach to the Democrats, I'm also not going to go around berating them for normal feelings.
It’s been 10 years.
People deserve to get what they voted for this time.
Who are they going to hold accountable? Everyone in the state of Pennsylvania? How would they do that?
Lots of people voted against this. And lots of people lie about how they voted.
But I want people in office and running for office to focus on how to make things better and mitigating harm rather than worry about assigning blame.
2) You cannot mitigate the harm without assigning blame.
"This policy that hurts you is bad. It is in place because you voted for the person that promised to put it in place, and he did. Here is how we stop it. I now need your support to undo it."
Whoever the group is they're talking to is going to inevitably be made up of a bunch of people who did not vote for this, also.
"You voted for this."
"No I didn't."
I'm not sure where that gets anyone trying to actually solve the problem.
"You" is "voters that choose fascism."
Maybe this is why I'm not a comms person and I should just quit while I'm behind.
Very little pushback on that.
But when we talk about *individual people* that specifically voted for this? Now we can't assign blame, and should act like they had no agency?
If someone's in conversation with a individual voters who openly voted for this, sure, yes, that choice is part of the discussion.
But that's mostly not how these things go.
I'm especially tired of people saying that disinformation and/or tech billionaires "tricked" the majority of Americans into voting for an overt racist. Please, like the American people have ever needed to be tricked into backing a racist.
But for a traitor and civilly liable rapist to have won the popular vote exposes a serious problem with the American electorate. They don't know it, but the American people will pay a price for this.
Which is why we keep making the same mistakes. Not even new mistakes!
Which is why Blackstradamus remains undefeated.🔮🧙🏿♂️
I'm full of "I told you so's" and "I'm telling you again's" and I will keep doing it.
Y'all still won't learn, but it's cathartic for me.
The absolute lowest thing on my priority list, is helping the people that brought us here feel slightly less bad about their decision.
Growth is realizing that you shouldn't open face eating leopard cages, and you shouldn't try and get the leopards to attack innocent people.
If someone shows real growth? Then yes, I welcome them.
I don't see telling them "I told you so" as really doing much.