28 - A brilliant blueprint for properly adapting a flatscreen IP into VR, nailing every mechanic along the way. Also, a perfect example of storytelling in VR without boring the player. LOVED this game.
Have to count off a point for the bugs. They'll get patched but YIKES! 4/5
Have to count off a point for the bugs. They'll get patched but YIKES! 4/5
@coatsink.com has put out quality titles for years and this is another winner.
Also an absolute steal at $10. 4/5
This originally started as a Kickstarted card game and it's translated very well into VR. It's not winning GOTY or anything, but it executes its premise at a high level. Pleasantly surprised. 4/5
Steering while attacking takes some practice, but once you master that & get into some real competition, it's a blast.
Also, they FINALLY added crossplay. 3/5
Comparing this to Prince of Persia is an insult.
Positives? It has a decent skill tree & is mostly bug free. Full review on YT. 2/5
It gets long in the tooth w/repetitive segments & could've been a tighter game with a lower runtime. Still Vertigo's best story game. 4/5
Very linear, but I was fine with that. I see franchise potential here. Loved this game. 5/5