I hear ya. I’ve been trying to either buy directly from the source or find alternatives either online or locally. I never really shopped at Walmart, so that’s an easy one for me. The app Goods Unite Us is helpful for alternatives. But I do wish there was a company to give Amazon a run for its money!
I cancelled years ago. It turns out you don’t really need anything next day delivery. In fact, you waste so much less money when you don’t impulse buy. Buy local or delivery through other companies.
We definitely need alternatives. I have agoraphobia so I order my groceries from Walmart or Kroger (only 2 that deliver in my area), & I depend heavily on Amazon. Rural area. Any suggestion?? Would love an alternative. I do plan on getting Costco membership... I'm not sure what all can be delivered.
Walmart and Kroger have similar ratings on the Goods Unite Us app. If you are able, you could compare brands and purchase products that are manufactured/sold by “better” companies - for ex. General Mills looks better than Kelloggs. Here’s the app & some screenshots. https://apps.apple.com/app/id1295147058
I use Amazon to research products by reading reviews, etc. Then I search online for the website of the seller or manufacturer of the product I’m interested in. Often (but not always) you can purchase online directly from the business itself.
Same, but that's how they got to being in power is by slim margins and treating workers poorly. I'm buying from more "safe" corporations and local anytime I can, or looking on eBay for things I'd have gotten on Amazon. If time isn't a factor ordering from Aliexpress works too, it's Amazon's source.
I cancelled my Amazon Prime back in November. I haven't missed it!
I've been able to find Canadian suppliers for most of the products I used to purchase from Amazon... and a LOT are actually CHEAPER!!
Ex: Long upholstery zipper is $26.00 on Amazon, but $12.00 from Canadian supplier!! SHOP AROUND!
I used Wawak a few years back when I needed an extra long zipper for a special sewing project, and they were great. Now that Joann's is closing, I will look to use them more. Thank you for the reminder about Wawak.
No, it's not expensive. Actually, it's usually cheaper!
I just search for the product I want and add the word CANADA to the search bar.
Also, many (but not all) Canadian websites end in .ca
I'm conflicted. Amazon has been a game changer for me & my wife. We a both disabled & basically home bound. We live in a small town without much retail except for Wally World which is 20 miles away. We do have 3 fast food joints, 2 Mexican Restaurants & a Chinese Restaurant next to Food Lion.
I use Amazon for finding items and then compare with buying from the maker or other sites, sometimes eBay from a small seller. Got a great deal on Cocoons sunglasses that way.
If you want to support Canada instead of Amazon (after today) https://Well.ca looks good for health and beauty stuff, but certain things can't be shipped to the US like aerosols.
It depends, some have free shipping, one item I wanted to order was $35 shipping was $235 because I assume it was coming out of England so I canceled that order. I mostly look within camada if I can.
eBay! Try it on something small. Whatever you buy on Amazon is most likely there, and the platform is 100% independent sellers. I have sold on both (16 yrs Amazon, four at eBay)and eBay is like coming home after living inside a tornado at Amazon.
I've been able to find Canadian suppliers for most of the products I used to purchase from Amazon... and a LOT are actually CHEAPER!!
Ex: Long upholstery zipper is $26.00 on Amazon, but $12.00 from Canadian supplier!! SHOP AROUND!
I just search for the product I want and add the word CANADA to the search bar.
Also, many (but not all) Canadian websites end in .ca
Works for a good percentage of stuff!