🚨 HAPPENING NOW: Hundreds of Jews — including rabbis, community leaders, and former ADL staffers — are gathered outside of the ADL conference in Midtown Manhattan to say that we reject the ADL’s support for Trump & Musk’s agenda. #RejectADL
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They are also using their conference to platform Yoav Gallant, who is sought by the ICC for crimes against humanity against Palestinians.
The ADL is happy to side with MAGA if it means demonizing those who stand for Palestinian human rights. #RejectADL
The ADL should be fighting Nazis, not calling ICE on college students.
Now more than ever, we need strong voices fighting antisemitism, racism, ethnic cleansing, and other forms of bigotry. #RejectADL
The only way to stop this administration from decimating our civil and political rights is if we band together to demand that the institutions that claim to serve and represent us don't comply.