Lovely job! As for feed back and it's a bit late in the game for this but I belive you tail might be a bit too high for the spine to flow naturally to his ass. I understand if you don't want to obscure the ass, but I think it would work still. And make your crotch area flow nicely together. 👌
I recommend checking out how Zedex did the tail for the Soundbyte 1.3
The tail originates higher on the spine in a way that when the spine, bends the rear is visible, but in the idle/standing position the tail covers it and looks more normal.
Basically, straight spine= tail; bent spine= booty
These are amazing!
The thick lad looks fantastic~
I noticed the tail was kinda high, so, Its still pretty heavy wip and I might revisit that in the future
thank you for the input <3
The tail originates higher on the spine in a way that when the spine, bends the rear is visible, but in the idle/standing position the tail covers it and looks more normal.
Basically, straight spine= tail; bent spine= booty