It wasn’t the immigrants after all.
It was always about installing the MAGA Messiah, Trump, and his cabinet of criminals.
It was always about installing the MAGA Messiah, Trump, and his cabinet of criminals.
Meanwhile, the 🍊🤡 is really creating quite the circus 🎪 with these cabinet picks! We will be sitting ducks.
Everything that they said about democrats was a lie and everything Republicans promised for the people are also lies
Not a virus, not a microbe,
not a germ, but a sickness nonetheless,
highly contagious, deadly in its effects.
Don't look for it in the Twilight Zone,
look for it in a mirror. Look for it before
the light goes out altogether.”
~ Rod Serling
In both instances it's a trick to appeal to xenophobes and bigots, drum up this fear that the "evil outsiders" are coming for them