You know it’s a toxically cloying smell. Like permeates your pores, ie; Drakkar Noir, Cool Water, Aramis, because old.
Ladies version is knock off Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds.
She had to throw up a little in her mouth. Where is that Ode to Stank he's selling made? CHINA. Maga men are drinking the stuff to feel closer to their god.
That's most likely an unauthorized use of her picture to sell his product that would fall under the "Right of Publicity" clause. She could ask him to remove it and if he were to refuse she would have a pretty good case in court to sue him.
Check out DJT's "Agenda 47" folks!
He's actively pursuing buying up media companies just like Victor Orban. Then changing libel laws so that he can sue ANYONE for libel!
Journalists, writers, along with nobody's like you and I. Sue them into bankruptcy and or silence. You asked for it MAGA!
What is wrong with our country? We have a president-elect who is hawking his tacky perfume as a Christmas gift. How low can we go? How long before all citizens are required to purchase some crap from trump? Or face the consequences.
He is and how the fuck was she left alone with that asshole is beyond me. Someone should be fired over that. Anyone literally anyone could have sat in that damn chair while open and she was there
So should the originator of the image.
Ladies version is knock off Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds.
Fight fight fight the allergic reaction.
He comprehends how dumb his audience is.
I would think, "No way would anybody fall for this stupid shit." I would be wrong!
'Em Em EM got to get me some of that'
DJT: “My new cologne.”
Jill Biden: “It’s as Nazi as you are.”
chopped off on top &
the freaky fucker
wants to fuck his
daughter. Both are
true. 😏🪄
"the world will be a better place when he’s gone"
is an opinion, not a threat.
Now if a crime boss or Donald Trump were to say it;
that would be a threat.
The photo is laughable.
Mock it.
This is the closest he gets to a woman with class.
They needed this moment.
He's actively pursuing buying up media companies just like Victor Orban. Then changing libel laws so that he can sue ANYONE for libel!
Journalists, writers, along with nobody's like you and I. Sue them into bankruptcy and or silence. You asked for it MAGA!
and THAT’S why I married him.
Gisele Pelicot, where are you?
The look on her face indicates her disgust with him.
The empty seat where Brigitte Macron is supposed to be sitting, indicates that Donald still smells.
Throw themselves on him!!