Once upon a time, Rudy was called; "America's Mayor". 2 condos, A vacation home, 4 cars, and money to burn. Pretty soon he'll be living in a cardboard box under the expressway. That's his reward for doing everything the orange turd told him to do. Mike Lyndell is next, I hope.
I feel bad for Lindell's employees. He did a good thing by hiring ex-cons who would have trouble finding employment elsewhere. Now they have to suffer because of his idiocy.
Happy Tuesday Mayra. Ever since Rudy became a sycophant for his Great Leader, his life story sounds like it is being written by the Onion. Or maybe Monte Python.
Fuck Rudy, you should take looking like a dog as a compliment, quite frankly that's an insult to dogs. On another note I hope you end up in a cardboard box on the streets of New York and you starve to death. #love
Put him in prison. Empty his man accounts. Sell all of his properties and belongings. Rudy can take comfort in knowing the prison system will provide food, clothing, shelter and healthcare for the rest of his miserable life.
The thing is, the mayor has the WRONG picture of himself, totally 💯 % anyway! If he did he’d paid these ppl off way before now and went on with his life in obscurity 🤨! Instead he’s out here making a joke of himself and everything he ever represented to people…GO ON🤬!!
It took years, and an all out attack on our democracy and rule of law, for Rudy to finally realize his destiny as a whiner about only himself, for the remainder of his eternity on Earth. Justice served, justice deserved.
During a break, Giuliani asked the artist, Jane Rosenberg, if she would make him look “nice” after a previous portrait Giuliani found unflattering 😜😂🤣
“You made me look like my dog,” Giuliani said, according to Rosenberg, who was covering the hearing for Reuters.
Now Hizz(dis)honer Mayor Rudy Giuliani is an F-N Art Critic?
Stop lying and pay the damn fine to Ruby Freeman and her daughter Sheye Moss!!!
Wishing you all the very best.🫶🏽