That's a great thought, but there are laws in place that dictate they have to pay their full share. I believe blue states would have to secede & defend themselves via their own militaries to not pay federal taxes that would [potentially] go to red states.
But a long, protracted legal battle that went all the way to the Supreme Court would in itself be sufficient to send a message. And, in any case, the way things are heading in the US, an attempt at secession by at least some states doesn't, to me, sound too far fetched.
I discovered that the #wealthdisparity we're seeing today versus where it was at the time of the #FrenchRevolution as of 2023 [using the #GINIcoefficient scale]:
Scale is 0-1:
0=perfect, 1=worst
US (2023): .47 or 47%
France (1780s): .59 or 59%
We REALLY need to stop this from going up further.🥺
Yep, it's far worse than the Gilded Age & the pre Great Depression era. When about 5 folk now own/control more wealth than the bottom 50% a healthy, vibrant and contented nation this does not make. And besides the Gini coefficient, most research indicates that wealth disparity = less happy society.
It doesn't really work that way. What CA _can_ do is tell the federal government to reduce their footprint. Making legitimate moves to take back land used for military bases should not be out of the question.
What would the federal govt do if California refused to comply? Invade? Arrest it's state legislature? The Christo-fascist in the red states get away with a manner of outrages. See how they like it when the far more wealthy and progressive states refuse to play ball.
It depends on the structure of the grant law. Under the ACA, states get $ after they expand Medicaid. If states don't expand then they don't get the $. Expanding Medicaid is optional. In fact, state participation in Medicaid is optional.
California could probably go it alone, if it wanted to. Tax the Big Tech firms even a few percentage points more and there would be plenty of money for proper fire, drought and earthquake preparedness meaures, not to mention for a comprehensive social security net.
Yep. Maryland didn't need federal help to replace the Key bridge. Had Congress put conditions on the funding MD could have said f-off, we can build the bridge on our own. It will take longer by that isn't a problem for MD that is a problem for interstate trucking that has to go around the Baltimore.
Strangle California in its efforts to rebuild and there will be a reciprocal recession as the state underwrites most of the US economy. The quicker California is back on its feet he better for the whole country.
Probably not exactly legally. But a long and protracted court battle, if CA refused to subsidise would certainly send a message to the economically, socially and educationally backward Red states.
Trump not only destroyed our institutions but also, the minds of half our population.
An entire generation lost in the quagmire of misinformation.
Trump’s continuous lies are no longer considered pathological. Rather, his lies have become a prerequisite for succeeding in his World
Reminds me of people upset that the government provided for the rebuilding of that bridge on the East coast ignoring that it was due to that bridge being out had a far reaching negative effect on the economy
At least that one had some semblance of a 'good' argument that since the damage was caused by a foreign flagged ship that the company or country should pay. Recovering those funds will take years, but funding the rebuild was an immediate need.
I just watched Joe Biden’s whole speech, if he would’ve not messed up on the debate stage, he would’ve hammered Trump. He would’ve fucking hammered Trump.
If everyone would’ve just shut the fuck up instead of running around with their collective hair on fire, we could have moved on from it in 24 hours. His opponent was a GD convicted felon who can’t string together a coherent sentence to save himself.
Trump has a cult following. He would have beaten Biden who was being perceived as weak. There would’ve been a better chance if Biden had never stood for re-election & primaries were held well in time.
A lot of Dems helped destroy Biden by saying he was too old. In my opinion Biden would of won if Dems were capable of uniting behind their leader like maga does. But, I saw so many attacks on him by talking heads it was hard to figure out if I was watching Dems or maga. And it is still going on.
They do this stuff BECAUSE it outrages Democrats.
Stop playing from the high ground. CA could simply cease contributing to federal programs that are at the discretion of CF Trump’s appointees.
Given Project 2025 wants to massively increase the partisan appointees, it’s only going to get worse.
california has the largest veteran population in the united states ...this would only show that republicans dont care about them ...surely there re veterans in california affected by the fires
there fucking sleezy perverts , rapists ,pedophiles ,grifters ,felons , be a fucking nightmare , 1st term was , bungling of covid , all his crimes in court , how could this scum bag get elected , must of cheated is lazy ,wants to take credit for Israel cease fire ,cant fix inflation to stupid
IN A PERFECT WORLD.. Biden should condition federal hurricane aid to Florida by insisting that Florida place wind barriers throughout the perimeter of the Floridian coastline.
In addition, Texas, Oklahoma Mississippi & Missouri must build tornado proof housing if they want federal aid.
Screw ‘em
This should be a wake up call to SERIOUSLY put secession back on the table. How else do you deal with a criminal insurrectionist administration with no functioning US constitution?
You’re saying what I’m saying.. and we ain’t whispering!! This SERIOUSLY needs to be looked at. this is coming up more and more! Why do we need another 4 years of this?? Let’s get an initiative together!!!
Congress and the President can't put policy conditions on grant $. That runs afoul of the 10th A according the SCOTUS. Whatever conditions Congress puts on aid is going to get struck out by the court. It will not get settled until long after CA has spent the $.
Republicans are shite at crafting legislation. Consider how would they verify that CA is in compliance before releasing the $? They would have to lay out clear criteria. That is just an example of something beyond their skill.
Perhaps like Denmark, Mexico & Panama, Donald J Trump is looking for an excuse to invade California?
(Didn´t Trump just appoint 3 ambassadors to Hollywood?)
With global warming slamming us left n right, we should be coming together and helping each other through these tragedies, not cutting off aid. Global warming doesn't care which party you're from. We're all on the same planet. We should take care of it. We can't live without it.
It should outrageous all Americans, especially all those folks in the gulf coast states and the Carolinas who have their hand out after every hurricane.
Lets go back to states then, each state is responsible for its own federal aid by how much money it puts into the system.
All the red states would perish.
Kent, California decide not to pay into the general fund? Or at least subtract the amount that they should be receiving for a disaster? I know that would hurt the country but at this point everything is going to hurt the country.
Withhold Federal money to poor red States & give to fire victims. Don’t be blackmailed like republicans beat trump at his game. Control California hell no!
Scum insane liar Felon Sexual pervert and he’s president. How sick is this country? Well half has their senses and will be fighting for Democracy while the other to destroy.
Maybe, CA could put conditions on the money they give in federal taxes! Or just keep all federal taxes to use to rebuild! Keep & rebuild without federal interference!! How’s that sound?
Time to stop subsidizing these red state fascists. California sends way more money to the Federal Gov (and the low productivity backwards red states) than we get in return. We should leave the US and petition join the European Union.
But the problem is it doesn’t matter if it outrageous Democrats every time that orange turd takes his next breath it outrageous us. What matters is what does it do for the people that didn’t bother to vote only until that group of people becomes activated against the GOP will we have any chance
Natural disasters are a time for unity & compassion, not politics. Putting conditions on aid when people are in crisis is unacceptable. EVERYONE should be outraged at the idea of playing games with the lives of those in need. Support recovery, not division. #DisasterRelief #UnityOverPolitics
Bring it! It won't be the political Dems that everyone thinks will do nothing that Reps need to worry about. It will be the masses! When people pay into systems like our federal GOV and get nothing in return (especially in their ultimate time of need), people stop playing nice.
That's a great thought, but there are laws in place that dictate they have to pay their full share. I believe blue states would have to secede & defend themselves via their own militaries to not pay federal taxes.
Good point, but unfortunately, he now has everything at his disposal & no one to try & talk him out of using any of it against the American people. (Church photo op, anyone?)
It’s in the lowest moments in history that brave people arise. I’ve said this time and often again, the Orange buffoon is about to find out the true resiliency of the American resistance. Imagine deploying the military on American soil, only to face guerrilla warfare. He ain’t seen nothing yet.
I discovered that the #wealthdisparity we're seeing today versus where it was at the time of the #FrenchRevolution as of 2023 [using the #GINIcoefficient scale]:
Scale is 0-1:
0=perfect, 1=worst
US (2023): .47 or 47%
France (1780s): .59 or 59%
We REALLY need to stop this from going up further.🥺
Well, withhold federal funds and we shall withhold federal taxes and keep them in CA? We pay 10 times more than we get anyway. Don’t play with the 5th largest economy in the world.
5th largest economy on the planet, Cali doesn't need government aid, the government needs Cali to help the broke ass red-neck-states, the diaper wearing dumb fúck vonshitsitspants and the rest of the useless GOP are too fucking brainless to realize that, Cali can take care of it's self.
This is normal in countries ran my autocratic dudes.
Cut out funding to districts ran by people opposing you, even if it affect national infrastructure etc.
US & A, welcome to the list of sh*thole countries!
I think California should just deduct the cost of recovery from the tax dollars they send to Washington.
Red states get more money from Washington each and every year than they ever pay in. Billions.
That's a great thought, but there are laws in place that dictate it has to happen. I believe blue states would have to secede & defend themselves via their own militaries to not pay federal taxes.
California could withhold the money they would have received for fire relief and fight over it in court. I’d do it. It’s an opportunity to send a message…
A state against the entire federal government - that will soon be run by people who don't give a shit about the Constitution - doesn't sound like something that will happen any time soon.
All we can *officially* do is come back at midterms & kick as many of them out as we can. 🤷♀️
Maybe this is the new normal and Dems just need to turn it back on Red States. No DEI programs, no equality, no women's reproductive rights...well I guess you can't have hurricane, freezing weather, tornado, rising seas relief funds. It's not right but we can't afford to be the doormat any more.
Seriously! He and his chosen are so horrible at every turn that we need a new vocabulary of despicable words to do justice to correctly expressing how truly vile they are.
#USpoli if you know of anyone part of the Neilson Panel for ratings, tell them not to put on the Trump inauguration!
They should make sure their TV is on but put it to a national channel that is not showing the inauguration like PBS, HGTV, Food Network etc.
I hate this presented as infuriating Democrats. It should be infuriating way more people. Trump conditioning aid to anyone should be unacceptable to all Americans.
Mayra. He needs to stand on the front line of these fires here! He is subhuman and rejoices on human suffering! Get in firefighters gear at 50-100 mph Santa Ana winds. - see if the evil guy can even stand up?!
The 4th largest economy in the world, California, should stop contributing to the Federal coffers and use that money to help the people who were injured by this disaster.
It was pointed out California gave him his third highest state total of votes at a bit over 6 million. 6 million who get to suffer their choices directly so maybe won't make that mistake again.
The Republican Party cares nothing about the suffering of the victims of these horrendous fires & blames everyone & everything except the true cause… climate change, because they are fully owned & controlled by the fossil fuel industry.
MAGA is always so worried about conspiracy theories. Microchips. Mind-control. Lizard people. Evil cabals secretly running the world.
And then they turn around and vote for the worst people on the planet, people who aren't even trying to hide their evil. They're so clever. You can't fool them...
Unless I am given my Tesla free and clear inn 2025 I have no other choice but to withhold my tax payments to this new form of pay for play governing. If I can't have my Tesla then I demand my tax payments go to the Stormy Daniels Foundation for sexually deprived politicians! 🫠
So is Jared Moskowitz, who said Dems would retaliate by imposing conditions for aid to TX or FL. At no time have Dems ever suggested the possibility of this and is further indication that the voters in his district need to recall him.
I don't think the world has ever experienced a more disgusting/vile/immoral degenerate than Shitzinpants aka Don Fel-on. Oh how I long to read his name in the obits.
Scale is 0-1:
0=perfect, 1=worst
US (2023): .47 or 47%
France (1780s): .59 or 59%
We REALLY need to stop this from going up further.🥺
Yes, but only after a successful Civil War
Trump not only destroyed our institutions but also, the minds of half our population.
An entire generation lost in the quagmire of misinformation.
Trump’s continuous lies are no longer considered pathological. Rather, his lies have become a prerequisite for succeeding in his World
Anyone that supports that is psychopath... easy, quick test...
#BlueSky & #BlueCrew friends & #USA citizens - here is your chance to #RESIST in the real world.
Call the White House at 202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111 (business hrs) and ask for his pardon.
#potus #joebiden #pardon
Never will I understand how some "think" of him as a strong leader.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Stop playing from the high ground. CA could simply cease contributing to federal programs that are at the discretion of CF Trump’s appointees.
Given Project 2025 wants to massively increase the partisan appointees, it’s only going to get worse.
We need help down here!
Share the shit out of this maybe it'll get their attention.
In addition, Texas, Oklahoma Mississippi & Missouri must build tornado proof housing if they want federal aid.
Screw ‘em
This should be a wake up call to SERIOUSLY put secession back on the table. How else do you deal with a criminal insurrectionist administration with no functioning US constitution?
Fuck this.
(Didn´t Trump just appoint 3 ambassadors to Hollywood?)
All the red states would perish.
I did not.
If they actually do this, they better hope for a mild hurricane and tornado season
Random bad caststrophes meet the goal of keeping the focus off, How Bad The Rich Take Advantage Of The poor, and it's fiiiiiiiine....
*civilly adjudged guilty of an act most consider rape.
You don't have to be a Democrat to be outraged by such unsympathetic threats and overt sociopathy.
Scale is 0-1:
0=perfect, 1=worst
US (2023): .47 or 47%
France (1780s): .59 or 59%
We REALLY need to stop this from going up further.🥺
Cut out funding to districts ran by people opposing you, even if it affect national infrastructure etc.
US & A, welcome to the list of sh*thole countries!
Not just “Democrats”
Red states get more money from Washington each and every year than they ever pay in. Billions.
All we can *officially* do is come back at midterms & kick as many of them out as we can. 🤷♀️
#USpoli if you know of anyone part of the Neilson Panel for ratings, tell them not to put on the Trump inauguration!
They should make sure their TV is on but put it to a national channel that is not showing the inauguration like PBS, HGTV, Food Network etc.
"Outrages EVERYONE" not just DEMS. 😕
This is a typical "Hut-4" from the Republican playbook.
Its waiting on him.
And then they turn around and vote for the worst people on the planet, people who aren't even trying to hide their evil. They're so clever. You can't fool them...
That’ll ensure a recession and dip in IRS receipts, as California adds more to GDP and govt revenues than any other state.
How about Genocide Jo issuing an executive order preventing a convicted felon entering office?
No thought not.
Tough Love