We've been dealing with this in Chicago. "The Trump administration authorized federal immigration authorities to target schools and churches, revoking a policy that barred arrests in "sensitive" areas, the Department of Homeland Security said."
Our schools stated they won't comply! FUCK TRUMP!
Now go after Walmart, Smithfield, and other conservative companies. Arrest the Walton’s and all other billionaires who have hired undocumented workers. If they are selectively going after some (in blue states) businesses, then we see it for what it is. Trump hired undoc workers as well. Arrest him.
Yes. It’s so bad. We are in danger. We are in Germany in the 1930’s, but it’s not just the Jews, and it wasn’t just the Jews then either. It’s was homosexuals, political, intellectuals, artists, gypsies, disabled, elderly, mentally challenged, criminals whatever that meant. And anyone who aids.
I’m not saying the target is Jews now. It’s a different target, but it’s a broad target, and it will broaden rapidly. It’s POC, undocumented but anyone from Latino background, Muslims will soon be targeted, women as well. Gays will be targeted, the elderly and disabled. Trump and Musk despise each
Categories of people as has been proven time and again. Poor people will be and already are being targeted, as they, ironically, make more poor people!
The irony for me is that my law-abiding family has been here since the birth of America. I once asked my sister if she filled out her census form. She told me she never fills out census forms or gives out her social security because one day, they will round us all up like Hitler did to the Jews.
Remember the warning from Nazi Germany- first they came for the Communists but I said nothing….then they came for the Jews but I said nothing……then they came for me! In each case the speaker claimed to have said nothing since he was not in that group.
always have been. ICE was formed like 20 years ago by dubbya to target muslims after 9/11, it's not a real law enforcement agency, just a band of thugs
Hoping that the US citizens who were caught up in all of this are Maga Cult. All those idiots who voted the Convicted Felon in should be the first and the majority of those who get stung by these actions. If not, let the lawsuits against him by those wrongfully arrested fly fast and furious.
Our whole American society is built on the labor of illegal immigrants. Ethics aside, we need illegal aliens. And most of them abide by the law. I've only had issues with legal white af Americans.
I agree. We will soon find out how skilled and qualified these white males are for jobs they clearly are NOT qualified for. I am tired of fragile man babies. Also, I have at least two ancestors who came here illegally, my g-grand never became a citizen. He was a lawful, hard-working man.
Who knew it’d come to this? Everyone paying attention. Where are all those able bodied Americans claiming immigrants took their jobs? The jobs are empty, they should be flocking to them. As if…
I posted information from a New Mexico Representative and one MAGA I work with called it bullshit. Then he began jumping and claiming these are the same people who yelled "Russia, Russia, Russia". These MAGA will deflect, project, and make excuses. Just wait till something actually affect them.
Our schools stated they won't comply! FUCK TRUMP!
This is unconstitutional period the end! There is no illegal immigrant on STOLEN land! These fucks are harassing native communities as well.
Indeed, this is how it starts...
If it acts like a Gestapo, it’s a Gestapo.
Repost this.....
Some of us have reached a point of accepting the outcome of protecting freedom.
Buckle up it will get far worse
Meekly post on Bluesky?
When the time comes, I’m glad you will stand fight side by side.
People can’t be meek on this anymore.
This fucker is going to wreck us.
Stay frosty.
And no whining from anyone unless that have a solution.
Personally I think a General Strike is in order for at least a week.
And it will take major planning.
We will all be in the final group.
What do we do? Seriously. What can we the people do?