A week ago, hundreds of people were working hard to create a new life for themselves & their families, are now shackled in military planes far from the dreams they were building. If it seems an eternity to most of us, American or not, I cannot imagine what if feels like to those people.
That’s the goal of fascism and dictators. Wear you down until there is no more resistance.
Create chaos and remove the power of the people through control and destruction of the norms that protect the people.
By design, to overwhelm us, and make us feel too confused and exhausted to fight back. Essential mental/emotional/physical self care will allow us each to regain our footing, and rally to channel our vastly superior numbers, knowledge, and experience into a behemoth for righteousness and justice.
Earth is still going to need birds, fruits, and honey bees so plant some flowers and trees. Celebrate all the different cultures we have permitted thus far in the country along with local traditions and cuisines. Find alternative activities besides the news that improves cognitive health & function🧘🏼♀️
Well, unless someone manages to poison his Happy Meal, he probably isn't going anywhere for quite a while, so we're all going to have to find coping strategies.
If Don invades any of our allies, he'll be replaced or face Civil War. Same if he arrests Rachel Maddow for treason. Same if he sends American troops to Russia to help Putin defeat Ukraine.
If Don flings his feces at reporters before sending troops into Canada, and the blue states prepare for Civil War, the Repubs will dump Trump. He's on a total crash & burn trajectory. But the Repubs will ride him as long as possible!
“We don’t inherit the earth from our fathers. We borrow it from our children.”
What world have we brought them into? I weep for our daughters.
John Constantine:
“…take it from me, two minutes in hell is a lifetime.”
Create chaos and remove the power of the people through control and destruction of the norms that protect the people.
Compliments of the uneducated
Believing a snake oil sales man
Get thee to the rejuvenating waters and wines of France!
I say … start smoking, if you didn’t before, and drink more. My New Year’s resolution is to take more drugs.
Asking for a friend, obviously.
Bc I'm 45 and considering a new hobby.
I know living well is easier said than done these days, but don’t let them take sobriety from you too.