The gutless Republican senators are nothing but puppets now. They are too scared to stand up for what’s right, too spineless to be the ‘one’ to lead resistance against this Nazi regime. All Americans will be affected by the hate Trump is spreading including these blind fools!
Nonsense. These are neither puppets nor blind, nor fools. Republicans have worked to "starve the beast" for decades, devotees of Nixon, Reagan, Gingrich, Grover Norquist and Leonard Leo.
*Proceeds to elect a billionaire who filled his cabinet with a bunch of other billionaires and lets the world wealthiest human who doesn't even have an official government position run around with complete freedom to do whatever he wants whenever he wants
Thirty years of FOX News and other right wing media set the stage for this. Hiding behind the First Amendment, they attacked democracy and democratic institutions relentlessly until they convinced the uneducated, low IQ we needed a strongman in office.
Norway has a king and he can’t behave like Trump does. Trump
Wants to be a dictator. He admire people like Putin, not kings like King Olav of Norway or King Charles of UK. They don’t rule they represent. Our parliament rules. Modern kingdoms are democracies. Trump wants dictatorship
This is Wednesday in all 50 states and DC
This is Wednesday in all 50 states and DC
This is Wednesday in all 50 states and DC
there are no rules.
Extreme ugliness approaches at an accelerating rate.
*Proceeds to elect a billionaire who filled his cabinet with a bunch of other billionaires and lets the world wealthiest human who doesn't even have an official government position run around with complete freedom to do whatever he wants whenever he wants
Wants to be a dictator. He admire people like Putin, not kings like King Olav of Norway or King Charles of UK. They don’t rule they represent. Our parliament rules. Modern kingdoms are democracies. Trump wants dictatorship