Trump will likely give those corporations an exception to the tariffs just like he did for Tesla because Elon Musk has his Tesla parts built in his factory located in Shanghai, China.
Maybe those MAGA will start wond e ring if Trump really did lie to them. First he was going to end the UkrainevWar the first day, then onto lowering tose Damn egg prices and now they have too lose their job to those dadburn foreigners.
Me thinks trumpir might be a SNAKE O I L SALESMAN.
And I would bet a significant percentage of those workers are trump supporters. FAFO. 😡 It's harsh and will cause REAL damage but this is where we are and THAT is who they voted for. Pain has a way of focusing the mind like nothing else. Read DUNE if you don't believe me. Oh, them don't read. 🥴
Exactly. Trump’s mismanagement will have a domino effect on US economy. If they close down, it leads to other places closing down, where people eat and shop. Or is this the plan of Trump and oligarchs, to make people dependent on his government, like Russia and China?
That is sadly playing into Elon Musk's hands - don't buy a Tesla -
He is counting on flooding the market with his dangerous brand.
He is even CUTTING NASA - to bring Prominence to his very dangerous Space X -
We have astronauts wanting to return to Earth through NASA in a couple of months -
I disagree, they are succeeding in destroying the country in every single way. A giant bubble is about to burst and Elon, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Buffet are starting to cash out. We are heading into a huge crisis!
And I guess like many others I've been trying to understand why Trump got so much support from the big tech, and as much as it seems like they have completely lost their minds by embracing fascism, they know there's a giant bubble about to burst and these fuckers are betting against the economy.
And he has initiated a world wide boycott of American goods and services. The US will suffer a lot due to his coup. It's down toy you to take him down - you have our support!
Trump, being the dumb 💩 that he is, hasn’t thought through the effects of his Diktats. And de facto President Musk doesn’t care about anyone who is poorer than him.
My Honda was build in Indiana. I was proud that it was assembled in an American factory that employed Americans. This administration gives no shots about Americans or humans in general, unless they are billionaires.
We are going to be TrumpMuskkkGOP's FREE Prison Labor Workforce.
Freedom will be torn from our vocabulary via Muskkk's nueralink. We will be a commodity like everything else.
My DIL works for Honda in Marysville Ohio. Most of marysville population works at Honda. They also are heavy trump supporters. Not my DIL but most residents. This will devastate that town.
And they will spin it so that it is all the democrats fault and the trumplicans will believe. Just as they believe that science is bad, that a vaccine causes autism, that life begins at conception.
It’s like watching a magician promise to pull endless jobs out of a hat, only for the audience to realize he’s just been sawing the economy in half the whole time. Tens of thousands of workers sent home, but hey, at least we have patriotic slogans to keep us warm.
Just like most military bases are in the south, to help boost welfare state economies, so too are car manufacturers — to get the lowest possible salaries to the dumbest in the country.
Yes and unfortunately those workers and they families will end up being so stressed and possibly go hungry. I so wish and pray some person or persons could stop the madness from Trump and Musk
Those people are about to get 10x poorer so they have their "wage slaves". This is the plan, to take us into their techno-feudalism future where we all have no rights unless they deem we do. We keep sitting here assuming someone else will save us.
That's how they make nazi soldiers. Bleed them dry until they are desperate. Blame the minorities for their pain. Then, put them in the military for a small wage. Wa la. Nazis that will do anything.
Hate seeing this happen in any country but this is what happens when you have someone signing executive orders he doesn’t read and/or understand. Unfortunately, it’s always the workers paying the price. Hopefully they move some of this here and some to Mexico.
I wonder if we will see the following statistics: unemployment rate, inflation, suicide rates, especially for veterans, maternal death rates, death rates due to infectious diseases. Or will Musk hide them all.
This is really bad. Far reaching tentacles across a country on the precipice of collapse. Ugh, two Toyotas in this family. I guess parts will be price prohibitive.
We informed you thusly, but in your ignorant attempt to harm the liberal Left, you've hurt yourselves and your families, and you have only your idol trump to blame!
I'ma be real, IDC about suffering in majority red states. Have fun on unemployment until they decide "too many people" are on it and the Conservatives at P2025 want to cut that, too.
It may take a recession and a lot of shutdowns, bankruptcies and substantial increase in unemployment (documentation of which the Trump Administration probably won't permit to be made public).
The fact is that a 25% tariff on steel will cause the auto manufacturers to have to rethink how they operate. It wouldn't surprise me if they started scaling back since a 25% additional cost on steel alone would increase the cost of a car a great deal.
The sad part is that most raw parts for these cars come from other countries and when there's an additional tariff, such as 10% from China, this makes the cost of the car go up. Think of things like microchips or bearings. It all counts.
Look at all the people who will be suddenly out of work with nothing to do but protestbin the streets. This administration is actively creating the mob that will eat them.
The short sightedness of this Administration is mind boggling in its ignorance. I have never seen this level of incompetence. In any other job neither Trump, Musk or Vance would still be EMPLOYED. These people are so heinous.
This is not incompetence, it's a strategic plan to destroy the USA. When everyone is stressed out/diseased/broke beyond their ability to cope they will give up; there will be no resistance to fascism.
It may be fascism, but it’s not being done efficiently. This is the apple dumpling gang. A lot of their moves aren’t thought out well. I’m 99% sure many of the things they’ve attempted (or done) aren’t LEGAL and eventually will be struck down one way or another.
This would be great but so far I've seen this elsewhere but no link or mention of the source to be sure its true and not just gossip that is being reposted.
Well I live n Michigan these autoworkers regret there votes . What we are hearing . Kinda late now . Our manufacturing auto part shop is making heating pumps for Tesla and new batteries . I found out we are making these part I quit last week I been there 5 years there trying to call me back .No
You don't mention that unelected "muskrat" is a South African immigrant, the sort of person that MAGA blames for their problems.
Well, even if he wasn't the cause of their problems before, he certainly is now!
For those who voted for this turd I just want to say Thank you. You're all a basket of Cock smooches and Trumpian asslickers. You hurt yourselves thinking the oligarchs care about your dumbass's.
The massive irony is that it’s the Red States that will suffer, they are already bankrupt and require Federal support. Maybe the revolution will come from the base once the reality sinks in, buckle up, it’s gonna get crazy
This is how corruption works...
Me thinks trumpir might be a SNAKE O I L SALESMAN.
Nnnnnnnnnnom nom nom nom nom nom nom
Just how much crazier can things become?
He is counting on flooding the market with his dangerous brand.
He is even CUTTING NASA - to bring Prominence to his very dangerous Space X -
We have astronauts wanting to return to Earth through NASA in a couple of months -
Freedom will be torn from our vocabulary via Muskkk's nueralink. We will be a commodity like everything else.
Dumb MFers in rural 'merica gonna lose their jobs
Muslims for Trump: He's gonna pave Gaza, just like we told ya
Vets for Trump, your bennies are getting slashed
Farmers gonna lose their farms
I could go on
they'll probably blow it
Or just being idiotic enough in the first place to actually vote the tango turd in yet again!
Reap what you sow #MAGA
The truth is our only antidote to Donald Trump’s never ending lies!!
Make your voice heard.
Crush Trump.
Together we win.
< >
< >
Toyota and Honda both build parts in Canada and Mexico and tariffs will affect both.
It will take some posturing and maybe some layoffs to wake the general public up to the Truth of Trump-ism.
We had a thriving economy under Biden but Republicans like always are trying to find ways to profiteer, scalp the American workers yet again.
Well, even if he wasn't the cause of their problems before, he certainly is now!