I just can’t wrap my head around it. Actually I believe it’s more than some, I think it’s most. They support whatever their cult leader supports.
They are despicable.
Couple political activists🤩
So would you two Invade Ukraine ? How would that make America Great? That's what Russia did it invaded Ukraine. So if Mexico invades the US you're okay with that? I Don't get that logic. You say the Democrats are worse than Russians? Why do you say and think that? ☮️
Good, Russia could use more fodder for their war and Russia already acts like maga wants our government to act. Kill two birds with one stone both literally and figuratively.
They’re the same unAmerican scumbags who formed the confederacy, the klan, the federalist society , the john birch society, the proud boys, wrote Jim Crow laws, burned books and bombed churches and lynched American citizens.
Of course they love russia because they’ve always hated The United States
The uneducated 🤡base is what it is and doesn’t require any further explanation.
But even though Russia is a shit hole, the 🤡 elite admirers the total power that Putler has and they so desperately want and never want to give away anymore to build their white supremacy Christian national state.
Anyone, including MAGAts, that support a murderous punk like Putin, have never experienced a death march (The Trail Of Tears), a knock on the door at 03:00 (Gastapo), being “relocated” (Disappeared)
They’ll only clue-in, when the muzzle of facism, is trained on themselves
I am quite positive that Americans are soon gonna experience what you describe above.
The Proud Boys and others right now are on hold, only waiting to be used by the liar's regime. To suppress Americans.
1 nazi sits down at a table of 9 others, no one gets up, you have a table of 10 nazis. One supports putin, ie his lap dog shitler, they all support putin, and they are all trying to destroy America
Fox News has played the sympathy card for Russia for years now. It’s made its way into MAGA’s brain that somehow Putin is misunderstood and not really a bad guy.
Putin could not have asked for a more generous gift from an adversary.
"One exception" while still praising the asshole that did this to him. No concern for the thousands of others though. Guess it's every magat for themselves now.
Remember when Trump hid in the WH bunker when the Black Lives Matter protesters marched on the White House??? There will be no place for him to hide if a couple 100 thousands of us show up at the front door of the White House. And we'll be PISSED!!!!!!!
I have a friend who was in the Marines. He knew guys who were snipers that could pick off an apple from 400 yards away. That's like being 2 blocks over.
And the fact that asshole Rubio would even met with Russia after all his blistering speeches how Ukraine must have US support to become SOS and an about-face now is more than despicable. 🤮
But they aren’t Patriots
Trump isn’t a real President, he’s not a king or a monarch.
He’s a Russian Stooge
They are despicable.
I knew “Christians” who went on church “field trips” to Russia during the 90s - the republican transition period.
I knew many “Christians” who supported Phyllis Schlafly in the 70s
Been going on a long time.
So would you two Invade Ukraine ? How would that make America Great? That's what Russia did it invaded Ukraine. So if Mexico invades the US you're okay with that? I Don't get that logic. You say the Democrats are worse than Russians? Why do you say and think that? ☮️
They're infants. They love "strongmen".
They also must hate Reagan
Of course they love russia because they’ve always hated The United States
But even though Russia is a shit hole, the 🤡 elite admirers the total power that Putler has and they so desperately want and never want to give away anymore to build their white supremacy Christian national state.
They’ll only clue-in, when the muzzle of facism, is trained on themselves
The Proud Boys and others right now are on hold, only waiting to be used by the liar's regime. To suppress Americans.
Putin could not have asked for a more generous gift from an adversary.
“It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.”
They are now.
Saying, "It'll make things easier to rule under a Republican administration."
But I'm more vulnerable than most people.
C'mon America.!
It's an overwhelming amount.
..'they' love him.(just count their guns.)