When you make decisions like a bull in a china shop, these types of accidents will happen. This administrations incompetence is going to get us all killed.
All the reporting that calls these actions “accidents” are wrong. These aren’t accidents, they meant to do it. They deliberately set out to make these cuts. The fact that they were ill advised and disastrous doesn’t make them “accidents “.
Tellement. Le peuple des USA, croyait faire un bon choix, ils se sont mis un doigt dans le nez, et l'autre où passe son temps, ce petit Trump de la bassesse, dans le cul des autres, sans permissions, en payant avec l'argent des autres.
Don Swamp said he'd only hire the "Best People." They were the Best con men, criminals, perverts, racists, misogynists & grifters money can buy. His other qualifications were that they kiss his ass, lick his boots, accuse others of his crimes, lie excessively & throw themselves under the bus 4 him.
If I were them, I would run. No way I would work for this Government unless I was elected. If you can just get fired by the next President, forget that.
This is the first one of the pandemic headed our way and once again on Trump's watch. How many people will he kill this time. We are on our own now so prepare yourself and get supplies now before it's too late. Trump doesn't care about you or our health.
They are just unbelievable. And why in Gods name will no Senators or House members do their fucking jibs. This fucking clown needs impeached, once and for all .
This makes the Cuban missile crisis seem like fireworks now. Our national security has never been so screwed up in my lifetime like this is. I can’t believe he’s still in office.
Don't worry, I'm sure Boris Johnson is assisting Trump the Russian spy, after all, he put an ex KGB spy in our House of Lords when he was UK prime minister.. this is just the follow on actions.
I wouldn't doubt that he planned it that way. He can play the same game he's played on us again & again and try to take credit later and say, "I hired the best to work on the bird flu. I fired those people and rehired them after loyalty was inferred." On the street that's called 'shit talking'.
Hands down. The collective intelligence is in the negatives. There were two clues between all of them. One got lost and the other went out looking for it…
When you make decisions like a bull in a china shop, these types of accidents will happen. This administrations incompetence is going to get us all killed.
You ask, "what was the artist trying to do?"
Trump is a Russian asset. He is destroying this country. This is clearly something Russia wants.
Designed to abuse
Designed by predators
💩 show! 😁
💩 show! 😜
Somehow, that seems unlikely.
It’s the most incompetent administration in *human* history.