I wish that I could move to Canada but thanks to republicans resistance to free health care for Americans I have so much medical debt, I can’t afford to.
You forgot to mention Education. 60% + of the population has a college degree.🤔 Against 40% in the US.🫣 To understand this discrepancy you need to know that education is almost free for Canadians, sort of. Even in ivy’s league schools.
Not free. Cheaper. But not free. Most people qualify for govt student loans that are low interest and meant to be paid over 10 yrs. You can apply for payment holidays if you are unemployed.
He keeps talking about how much we need the U.S. to defend us.
From who? The world loves Canada, and the only people who don't, don't because of our association with the US, because we've stood by them.
The ONLY threat to Canada is Trump.
Canada can crush trumps economy, will it hurt us yes but America will have longer lasting damage than Canada, we are strengthening our dependence away from America. Especially if we target red states, no one at the debates said this block starlink and block all Tesla vehicles close all dealerships.
Northern Friends. FFOTUS needs to go to Russia without a coat or hat.
Chart courtesy of the IMF
The biggest is UCAS or United Canadian American States
We would much rather not blow up the economy to make a point either.
Other than the numb nuts that support him, you don’t deserve what he’s doing.
And Japan wants our Oil and Gas….
Bye Felecia
He keeps talking about how much we need the U.S. to defend us.
From who? The world loves Canada, and the only people who don't, don't because of our association with the US, because we've stood by them.
The ONLY threat to Canada is Trump.