Cut them out, you're doing it to everyone else Magats, for 1 and All, right?? I still say blue states should leave the Republic and join with Canada, or Denmark or Mexico or Greenland. Just secede from the Union, like we should have done over 150 years ago. They are just dead weight.
I'm with you 💯. Reconciliation at this point is a non starter. MAGA is a fascist doomsday cult, and runs completely counter to an equitable and democratic society. If sane people ever regain power, we should expel all the southern welfare states, and make Guam, PR and DC states. Fuck MAGA trash.
The Boomer cohort is split about 50/50 on Trump support. This is sad, disappointing and, as benefits disappear, maybe this will change. Actually, Trump's largest support comes from GenX, the oft spoiled children of the Boomers (60%). Gens Y & Z are more liberal but less likely to vote.
Is it wrong for me to want to see those that voted for the Felon to get hurt the hardest and struggle? I don't think I am a bad person, but feel like it's the only way they will learn and understand everything is not some made up media BS.
The way I look at it, it’s not right or wrong as long as I also realize that what I want or think in this situation will not make any difference to them or what happens to them. Like, my hoping their choices and prejudices backfire will not make it happen or not happen. I just hope it and move on.
It’s not wrong. You want people to learn things, it’s what’s best for them. I love this journey for the MAGAts, they’re going to learn so many new and unpleasant things soon!
We're in the minorities hands, because 40 million couldn't bother to vote. I believe the misinformation machine weighs heavily, but had everyone showed up we wouldn't be in this crisis. It doesn't help that Republican Congress fails US
Making Medical Bankruptcies Great Again. And soon, rural hospitals will shut down as Medicaid is cut to MAGAs. They are at the end of the sewer pipe from the Nazi RepubliKKKlan’s “flush down economic theory”
You should take a peek in their mailbox when they’re not around and see if any of those checks are for a dead parent or grandparent. It’s these trumpers that usually look for ways to cheat the system. I hope those checks stop coming for all of them, which is very likely.
You could take photos of her doing things that don’t add up to a disability. I saw a lot of that when I started out as a legal aid lawyer many years ago.
Tock ⏰
coming soon...
Fake disability claims
People abusing the system
This can be interesting. 🤔
Please keep us updated. 😂