Republicans are always the party of "Rules for thee but not for me". They are the most corrupt party of our time. There's absolutely no low they won't go to and no lie they won't tell. Whenever you see a Republican, you are looking at someone with criminally low levels of empathy and compassion.
This is because Bobert and MTG are just theatrical clowns that no one takes seriously, like a court jester.
When Al Greene speaks he cuts into the souls of the Republicans. They respect him, know that he speaks the truth, and they are terrified that many more of their base will hear him and agree.
Um... No, that's not accurate. Some dems voted with the repubs on it. But it was majority repubs that censured Al Green. Even if not one dem sided with them, the repubs have majority and would have won the vote to censure.
"Even if not one dem sided with them, the repubs have majority and would have won the vote..." - Then why the fuck did 10 dems vote with the repubs to censure one of their own?
Because they wanted to apparently and obviously feel their constituents feel the same way or won't hold it against them. Why no ask them? They have public telephone numbers.
“We are helping them to understand why their strategy is a bad idea.” Really? Does the leadership understand how angry the dem voters are with this “when they go low, we go high” strategy. We don’t want decorum or hands across the aisle. We want you to do what repubs do; block their agenda. Fight
The Democrat leadership aren't behaving like they represent us. They represent controlled opposition, to keep the left in their lane (& consequently us, too). There are individual senators and representatives who are truly leading, but it damn sure isn't Schumer or Jeffries. Those two need to go.
It's very hypocritical. But the MAGAts will just say it shows that repubs are strong and don't tolerate "disrespect" while the Dems played "nice-nice" to the disrespectful and are weak. It's not my view, do don't shoot the messenger. I just understand opposition viewpoints.
It Is Infuriating Both In Fiction & Real Life The Bad Guys Get To Do What They Want & The Good Guys Are Forced To Play By The Rules, We Need To Be More Batman & Catwoman And Less Superman & Wonder Woman
I agree. I had said prior to the state of the union that the protest should be a walk out. Several did that. But others used signs and Al Green said what he said and shook his cane. I wish they had sent a unified message even though I know we're not a monolithic group.
In that 2023 photo of Rep. Lisa McClain shouting at Pres. Biden, who's that sitting beside her & smiling? It sure looks like Mike Johnson. Could he get any more hypocritical?
When Al Greene speaks he cuts into the souls of the Republicans. They respect him, know that he speaks the truth, and they are terrified that many more of their base will hear him and agree.
Rep. Al Green, thank you for your leadership.
Ffffuck that! Fight 🔥 with 🔥!
They are so hypocritical
hakeem has to be ejected as leader
we must FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! - YahooNews
Censure me twice, I must still be a Democrat.
One of these things is not the same."🎶
Scum get off !
Too bad the mother of did not censure Margie 3-Toes. Wonder where she stands on the censure of
Color me unsurprised.
Now the 10 dems who voted along with the repukes for censure...