#Elbowsup Bring it you orange shit stain #FFOTUS! 🇨🇦 Is a proud strong nation that will never capitulate. Trump has no fucking idea what it means to us to be Canadian. We will always stand against evil and tyranny! We stand against you #DonOLD !
Agreed! We don't have enough trees. I'm wondering if he's "medicated" into deeper levels of ignorance! They sure have threatened people into corners & bought silence. He's itching for an excuse to do ML on us, so we're careful, "laws are enforced based on his interpretation," < ties our hands!
There is a point where people stop buying and let’s say it is at 40% tariff. Tariffs above that amount then have no meaning. Hey Trump. Make it 1000% tariff on dairy. No difference.
By abruptly stopping intelligence sharing, instead of creating a transition period with Europe, he blinded Ukraine. As a result, dozens of civilians were killed last night.
Would he make up his mind so businesses and economists can make adjustments? There on, there off, there on again, off again, now going to 250% tariffs. WTF?
What so we can buy 10 dollar eggs and big business dairies ,while family farms go bankrupt.
We don't have a food supply issue. Except for business with unreliable USA. We don't need to go hungry to give you a pathetic win. Farmers are going to soon be facing frumpenomics.
Un déchet de société en liberté, fait toujours beaucoup de dégât, dire que le Monsieur l'a manqué de 2 cm, lui, pas de jugement croit que Dieu l'a sauvé, nous savons tous que le tireur a mal jugé sa cible. Car Dieu n'existe en rien. Le pape lèvera les pattes aussi.
Of course all that promised lumber from national parks will take a while to be available, if at all. Meanwhile, if you need lumber from Canada, welcome to 250% tariff increase. That should keep everyone in business until the trees grow...
It's not even a contest with any other president, living or dead. The WORST and MOST HATED. Fucking waste of human organs. An oxygen thief. The world will celebrate when he dies, and his grave will never be urine free!
Truman dropped two nuclear bombs on civilians. Bush murdered countless Iraqi civilians. Johnson and JFK dropped napalmed and agent oranged the Vietnamese. Washington genocided American Indians.
If USSA impose tariffs, our reciprocal tarrifs will run for a min of 2 months even if you immediately roll back.
If you renege on the rollback or reintroduce tariffs again, our retaliatory tariffs will remain in place for 4 months, then 8 then 12 regardless of rollbacks.
Too bad for those US citizens, who want *safe* milk from Canada.
Thankfully for us, we’ve got a strong & capable domestic dairy industry. The government could put a 2500% retaliatory tariff on US milk & I doubt it would move the needle.
So does the US dairy industry have enough cows to make up the shortfall? Will Americans be paying $40 a pint or eating dry cereal while
Drinking black coffee
A Cappuccino will be $25 and a Latte $30. Of course only the 1% will be able to afford it.
I hope Canada will stick with the counter measures they are implementing even when Donald J Felon backs down like he surely will. US companies need to feel the pain
Interesting because yesterday he said there wouldn't be tariffs for a month on stuff covered by the USMCA and dairy is covered by the USMCA. it's almost like you can't believe what he is saying. And you wonder why Canada isn't stopping its tariffs until Trump stops dicking us around.
He doesn’t care about that! He cares about what the stock market numbers are doing! If the stock market improves, but the American citizenry is hurting, he won’t give a damn about the people hurting! 😈
That can't happen. Because the market crashes when he just says the word tariff. on average the market has come down 650 points daily just from Trump talking about tariffs.
It also helps destabilize the markets and lower our standing in the world even more. As has been said many times, when you realize he is working for Putin, it makes sense.
I know this to be real because it was done with a sharpie - just like when the hurricane changed its course when oranges drew a line on the map of the GULF OF MEXICO! I'm sorry no longer the Gulf of Mexico, it is now the Gulf of Mexico!
Somewhat familiar, but over my head. Like religion, best discussed when I hammered.
I don't think trump cares what happens, as long as the box is open and we're looking at his orange face And yam tits.
Should be a boost to our dairy industry as we export $$$ to US, but will be doing more between provinces instead in very near future. Hope Americans love sour yoghurt and spoiled butter that will accumulate on grocery store shelves that used to be exported to Canada.
We’re so sick and tired of this orange skin growth that he could tariff everything and we wouldn’t care.
Fu@k off little donald
you don’t deserve the title of any president anywhere.
Breaks my heart ❤️
I came to Canada 🇨🇦 from Soviet occupied Poland before Berlin Wall came down. Always cherished American history and culture. All is dead now.
Elbows up 🇨🇦
Also the dumbest
in the last 15 years, U.S. dairy exports to Canada increased by almost 250% Canada imports cheese, butter, skim milk and infant formula.
America doesn't import much in the way of dairy from Canada, he could make the tariff a thousand percent, and it wouldn't matter. This only shows how out of touch he is. What I question is, other than Putin and Musk, who else is pulling the strings, and how far gone he is.
If he is that out of touch with the simple farm animals, how out of touch is he when assigning people to command a military structure? It's downright stupid as fuck, the GOP has gone full-on diabetically blind with their sugar rush.
It will be cool and all, but then we have Vance who is even more dangerous than Trump because he actually has a couple of brain cells to click together
Vance is not a moron tho, he would want to be a 2 term, those policies of 2025 will not get any of those Rs re elected, I think their voters figured out 2025=Nazi
It hurts our dairy farmers big time but also, how expensive will milk and dairy products be over there??!! That’s insane. We need to just stop trade with them altogether.
Within a 20k radius of me, we have a Parmalat plant, a Lactancia plant, and a Kraft-Heinz plant. They make so many products I couldn’t list them all here. So I’m afraid there will be layoffs or plant closures.
I know our government has been fervently working on establishing new trade partners. I’m probably being too optimistic but I sure hope those companies can sell to other nations. 😕
Clearly I need to do way more research on a bunch of crap now because there are way too many things I don't understand.
So Canada sells dairy to US which 🍊 will tariff at 250%. But the US sells dairy to Canada. Why don't we just keep and buy our own dairy and not buy theirs?
(The counter threat is Donaldesqe, and the so called existing tariff doesn't exist anyway).
So, to summarize, Donny says there's a 250% tariff on US dairy {there isn't} and will slap a 250% tariff on Canadian dairy, which will add a counter tariff to US dairy of... you guessed it, 250%. Genius.
This guy is just a fu!kin idiot.! But I do think I could happily help join the maga nuts and pay for his flight on the next muskrat rocket. He really needs a vacay!
He has no clue that HE is the one who signed the trade deal. It's not true, but if it was true that Canada was taking advantage of us it would be his fault. FFS his is an imbecile and he needs to leave our Canadian friends alone.
i wish people would just dare him to follow thru on his threats...we need the shipwreck for people to see what an awful president he is...we keep delaying the revalation
The ship is already wrecking. We're collapsing into recession even as I type this. Job losses increasing, job creation falling, home and car sales slowing, consumer confidence collapsing...the signs are all there.
So put an equal tax on all goods to be sold in retail in Canada that comes from the USA. Canadians will find products from other countries to replace them and it will cost a lot of jobs among the supporters of Trump in the US.
That was responsible for hundreds of thousands of childhood deaths in the 19th century world wide, until they finally figured out that it was the raw milk
Apparently our government enjoys childhood death here.
School shootings
Canceling child cancer Medicaid & research.
Unless it's a zygote.
Zygotes have more rights than their host & living children. So why not bovine TB?
Divine intervention would be a mighty good idea. Wherever God is, would you let Him/Her know?
By abruptly stopping intelligence sharing, instead of creating a transition period with Europe, he blinded Ukraine. As a result, dozens of civilians were killed last night.
He is now a war criminal 😡
Treat him as such.
💙💛 Slava Ukraini! 💙💛
We don't have a food supply issue. Except for business with unreliable USA. We don't need to go hungry to give you a pathetic win. Farmers are going to soon be facing frumpenomics.
He changes his mind faster than his diaper.
Fuck trumpppp
And yet…
If USSA impose tariffs, our reciprocal tarrifs will run for a min of 2 months even if you immediately roll back.
If you renege on the rollback or reintroduce tariffs again, our retaliatory tariffs will remain in place for 4 months, then 8 then 12 regardless of rollbacks.
Thankfully for us, we’ve got a strong & capable domestic dairy industry. The government could put a 2500% retaliatory tariff on US milk & I doubt it would move the needle.
And, yes, most everyone here can’t stand the man.
Drinking black coffee
A Cappuccino will be $25 and a Latte $30. Of course only the 1% will be able to afford it.
America needs to grow a pair!
His cult will elevate him as some type of martyr
Call everyday at #5Calls
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Run! Donate! Write! Show up!Support those running against GOP’s billionaire$
#PennilessPolitics - https://VOTUS.us
#generalstrikeus - #democrats.org
It must be nice, Mayra, to be a billionaire and not have care in the world about money.
I don't think trump cares what happens, as long as the box is open and we're looking at his orange face And yam tits.
Fu@k off little donald
you don’t deserve the title of any president anywhere.
It worked for Queen Netenyau the 1st
I came to Canada 🇨🇦 from Soviet occupied Poland before Berlin Wall came down. Always cherished American history and culture. All is dead now.
Elbows up 🇨🇦
Old polish adage says
There is always something good coming from bad situation 🤞
in the last 15 years, U.S. dairy exports to Canada increased by almost 250% Canada imports cheese, butter, skim milk and infant formula.
US President Donald Trump said that retaliatory tariffs imposed by Canada will be met with immediate reciprocal tariffs in the same amount,
Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/world/canadian-retaliatory-tariffs-will-face-immediate-reciprocal-tariffs-vows-trump-3432069
Signed: America
When are they going to face the fact that their beloved Orange Cult Leader is a Spoiled Child
See what happens
Chicken Shit Fascists
Hitler would be so disappointed
Because you don't know how much I hate that dude.😉
Hope you're having a great day, Mayra!
So Canada sells dairy to US which 🍊 will tariff at 250%. But the US sells dairy to Canada. Why don't we just keep and buy our own dairy and not buy theirs?
So, to summarize, Donny says there's a 250% tariff on US dairy {there isn't} and will slap a 250% tariff on Canadian dairy, which will add a counter tariff to US dairy of... you guessed it, 250%. Genius.
This tariff fuckery tho, is...
So fucking ignorant and almost impulsive for every gahdamn DAY....
I cannot...
A whole fucking country, IS NOT A BUSINESS.
Voting in ignorant people (or letting ones in without votes *muskrat*) is a fucking disaster to come.
We here in sweden are no longer considering the US as an ally.
It has come to this.
As an American patriot I stand against the Orange Plague!
It takes all of us doing our part.
👇 Here is a great place to start
Tools, Resources & Actions vs Fascism
#Revolution2025 #Resisters #OpUSA #50501Movement #Anonymous #NAFO #resistanceKitty
I’m sure people call begging for a favor to change his course.
Like Mitt Romney when he went to dinner with Trump the first go round. The spyder’ n the fly. He knew he was going to turn Romney down.
It’s control and attention he craves.
When does this dumb game end.
Let's finish this already 🙄🤨
School shootings
Canceling child cancer Medicaid & research.
Unless it's a zygote.
Zygotes have more rights than their host & living children. So why not bovine TB?
Stand strong Canada. The rest of the world is with you.