#FAFO “Jennifer Piggott proudly hung a red-and-blue Trump campaign flag outside her one-story home during the November election race. Now, after she was abruptly fired from her civil service job, her days of supporting the president are over.”
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“He got elected president and he's doing a lot of things that people never even imagined that he was going to do to us." Huh? WTF? You people were warned over and over. Here it is again: HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. AT ALL. HE JUST WANTED YOUR VOTE. He wouldn’t spit on a supporter if were on fire.
So many people that work in gov’t think “I’m not a leech. My job is important! It’s everyone around me that is worthless. I won’t get fired!” A certain kind of narcissism I guess. But, of course, are shocked when they get canned. I am for gov’t efficiency, but everyone should have seen this coming.
Most civil servants do a good job at what they are tasked with. If Congress wants cancer research, not Alzheimers (e.g) they should do their job and decide. They should not give more tax cuts to the to 1% to
Add to the deficit. It is their job. There are many things can be done but not a chainsaw.
For sure. There is no thought behind anything Trump and Musk are doing. No plan. Just performative nonsense at best, chaotic retribution at worst. And his supporters love it - for now. We shall see over next 4 years how things turn out.
I live in West Virginia. There is no help for these people. This state, which already sucked, will be devastated, but they continue to vote against their best interests. They drank too much kool-aid
I think places like WV is where Dems should start heavy campaigns. They need education on the differences in the 2 partys although I would hardly call the R aparty
The town here relies heavily on the federal workers for their tax base but yet they hate federal workers. Its so illogical. They are just fine with their town being decimated. Kicker is how much the area relies on SNAP and Medicaid.
Too little, too late. She voted FOR bigotry and cruelty. She knew the kind of person he was; he spelled out his agenda, and she was like, “Yep, I want THAT.” She ONLY regrets her choice because SHE was negatively affected. She would have still been an enthusiastic Trumper if it hadn’t hurt her.
So it’s ok he can wrong an entire country but as soon as it affects her she’s done with him? I’m so over these people, she got what she deserved. I have no sympathy for her, she is one of many who helped destroy our country. If she gets rehired she’ll be kissing his 🥎🥎
Here’s a “church-going Trump supporter” who is devastated over losing her federal job. My first question is, if you are a “church-going” person, why the hell do you support Trump? We tried to warn you, to help all Americans. But here we are, so fuck you very much.
A large majority of “Christian’s” support and worship the tangerine. They call him savior and the new messiah. A big chunk of the magas are born again Christian’s. The most hypocritical and hate filled groups ever. Death and hate hangs around them like a fog.
I read Jennifer's comments. Would she still be a Trump supporter if his (Musk's) actions not touched her directly? Also, she alluded to trump having done "some wonderful things"-what, name one.
It’s unfortunate that they refused to acknowledge or read Project 2025 or even consider that Trump was and is exactly as we tried to tell them he was, guilty of everything.
I know it's hard, and almost impossible given how frustrating it is to see constant facts ignored, but these people need to be welcomed back to reality to get them to vote normally again.
Which is why Dems need to visit all states and not the same seven. Go into red areas, talk to them and ask for their votes. Most of Trump voters are not hard MAGA.
She voted for him 3 times, knowing people would be harmed, but only has second thoughts after she is harmed??? Please. I couldn’t be less empathetic. Cue the leopards.
Until they feel it personally, nothing changes their minds. No comprehension of "bigger picture" or "common good."
Me. Only me.
Indeed, cue the leopards.
People need to realize the ripple affect of all these firings. No money for mortgages, food, furniture, household supplies, clothing, medicines, etc. Just like the real estate meltdown in 2008. We are headed towards a recession.
...we tried to warn them... but the cult power was too strong.
Blue MAGA supported Biden, knowing that he had participated in a genocide, up until the last minute and it was too late for his successor to beat Trump. They were warned. Maybe it was Blue MAGA that fucked around and found out.
Ma'am, we were all warned that tolerating the Biden-Harris administration's genocide would cost the Democratic Party the presidential election. There were opportunities to get rid of Biden, and choose someone who wasn't the VP of a genocidal administration, but the Party stayed the genocidal course.
By allowing measles free reign and Mexico issuing a "smart traveller" alert not to travel to US. RFK Jr should have been appointed Immigration Minister.
BTW I am not in favour of illegal immigration. But I am increasingly concerned by the rhetoric where the word illegal is dropped. Making me think they actually mean black/brown???
Congress could fix it. It is their job. Trump said in his 1st term he wanted immigrants from Norway, Sweden (not “brown”) & some people overstay Visas or work, not school (Musk, Melania eg). It is about “brown” & poor. Although T hired them as many do. Congress needs to work on it .
They start crying a river when it then affects them. But what made them support Trump in the first place? They supported his lies because they aligned with their own thoughts and views.
Once again, they support a felon bc he was attacking people they hated, too. But now that they are targeted, they don’t support him.
I hope they become destitute and homeless.
I wouldn’t wish job loss or financial hardship on anyone. Period. But it’s critical that all of these remorseful Trump voters reflect that it was their votes in November that enabled this. It was very clear that Act Two would be more vindictive and hard hitting than Act One.
Each one of them says “there’s so much waste in government that needs to be cut“ but then goes on to say “not my job, not my department. We weren’t waste. We were actually doing something.” It’s always the other people who are the problem. It’s never them.
OK this woman—sorry for her—but “some things he is doing for our country are good”. CAN YOU FUCKING NAME JUST ONE??? OR A HALF OF ONE??? They are still brainwashed.
Some people only learn when you stick their nose directly into the turd - many other people learn by using their brain. Shakespeare already regretted that the number of stupid people is blatantly greater than the number of “wise men”. The last US election proves the point.
That saddens me 😂😂😂😂. Morons supported a con man, coward, rapist, mentally unstable 💩, and he does what he said he would do and somehow they are shocked! Maybe she thought he would only remove libs.
When they came for women’s healthcare, I didn’t say anything, I wasn’t one of ‘those’ women.
When they came for the undocumented workers,I said nothing because I wasn’t one of ‘those’
When they came for the documented immigrants,I said nothing,I wasn’t one of ‘those’
And then they came for me
It still boggles my mind that these people wanted bad things like this to happen and they're shocked when they happen to them. They literally voted for exactly this.
And they have no excuse. This is not his first time at the rodeo. They deserve everything they get this time around, because they should have known, but they’re so racist and bigoted, they put blinders on
Everyone was warned, it was in 2025. I would say she had a grievance with her agency, maybe did not get promoted etc & watched Fox News daily. Now we have to live with her poor decision making She likely was making bad decisions her whole life. Some people just have to learn the hard way.
Except for the top 1%, those believing their taxes will go down are in for a big disappointment. W/the exception that if they remain unemployed…or become underemployed, then yeah, they’ll be paying less/no taxes. Sure wld hate to be that 47 yo who lost her job & the local economy starting to tank.
Typical MAGAT, perfectly happy for people to suffer as long as it’s not them. They never heard anyone say what he was planning because they don’t listen. Sympathy for them? Zero
If she's looking for symptathy I have none for any of his voters. Y'all had the receipts telling you what he does. Now that you've made your bed- get comfy in it
It's immensely difficult to have any sympathy for these people. They are cruel, and venal and deserve hardship.
But if Trump is going to go - and he has to go, emphatically - these people need to be provided the education in politics and empathy they never received.
It’s so hard to find empathy for Trump supporters who voted against their own self-interest because of their bigotry. I’m going to hell because I can’t be bothered to care about them when members of my community are being targeted—and I pray everynight for someone to have a widowmaker.
My younger son is in his second year at uni in Dublin. He has no plans to return to the US. Eldest working in London, no plans to return either. I worry about whether we’ll be able to win against MAGA and if my children are making the wiser decision to immigrate.
if feasible,u should go live with ur kids for a couple of yrs. get out from under this dark cloud called trump looming over our days&nights &spend quality time w/the ones u love. you'll never get this time back& u can make it a time of joy vs a time of pain and uncertainty.
Trinity. The five year engineering program. I was delighted the boys decided to go to university elsewhere. We have too many mass shootings. Guns are the leading cause of death among children & GOP politicians are owned by the gun lobby. We’re lucky to have German/US citizenship so we can leave.
That's a wider societal challenge - I think our turnout in Ireland for our most recent GE was similarly dire. I think the Aussies have the right idea about mandatory voting and a small but super irritating fine for people who fail to exercise their democratic right.
When you're kicked out of the liars club you're confronted with the truth outside. The truth can be aggressive and mannerless. Oftentimes it greets you with a slap in the face as you weren't listening to your good sense so it texted the to truth asking it slap you awake.
I know it's bad, but these reverse rebumlicans remind me of the celebrities that catch some form of disease or affliction, and THEN they want everyone to really around their campaign for a cure. Where the hell were they before when others were struggling with this shit?? Malibu beach without a care?
Sorry #JenniferPiggott but I just don't give a damn. We tried to warn you but our warnings fell on deft ears. You're getting what you voted for. Stupid decisions have dire consequences.
I keep reading more about this and it’s all those people that said “I didn’t think it would happen to me”!… well, your selfishness of that statement says you deserve it 🤷♀️
I am sorry - Fu!k her. She still thinks he is doing great things for her country - wait until she finds out she's not getting food stamps or medicade now that she is unemployed. She only cares about what affects her. This is the problem with these maga nuts. IT ALL AFFECTS her
The selfishness of this is astounding. Supporting cruelty until you are the victim is not acceptable. She deserves no sympathy or recognition for her "change of heart" because when this could have been stopped she had no heart. Always, ME, ME, ME.
She was totally fine with other Americans suffering, but of course, cries when it happens to her. I don’t have sympathy for those who were cheering for our marginalized communities to be hurt.
("Womp womp" was what Corey Lewandowski said on CNN in response to the news that children were being separated from their parents in camps during Trump 1.0.)
Toooo bad it took her soooo dam long.. When it hits you then there’s a problem!!! There’s been a problem for a long time darling.. When we were saying wake up, you should have listened!! To little to late. I don’t feel sorry for you at all!! You’re part of the problem!!
I was pissed off when she said people didn't know what Trump would do. I'm convinced they did know but they just didn't think that bad things would happen to them. Unlike 2016, this time they can't claim ignorance.
Add to the deficit. It is their job. There are many things can be done but not a chainsaw.
Sorry, not sorry
Me. Only me.
Indeed, cue the leopards.
...we tried to warn them... but the cult power was too strong.
Fuck you, you stupid stupid person.
American Democracy
I hope they become destitute and homeless.
You’re the one holding her back, Ha Ha Ha..
#strike #generalstrike #protest #boycott
The tax cuts for the billionaires are inacceptable !!!
It's a major slap in the face of normal americans.
For this, a major revolution have to start now !!!
Not only they don't need a tax cuts but they need a rise of their fucking tax MF richs pigs !!!!
Let them suffer.
Was it racism or stupidity that meant she thought Trump wasn’t talking about her for the last 4 years?
They are coming for everyone and when they bet down to white men, the monied will rule. Merry Old England in the serfdom days.
When they came for the undocumented workers,I said nothing because I wasn’t one of ‘those’
When they came for the documented immigrants,I said nothing,I wasn’t one of ‘those’
And then they came for me
It was OK when he was hurting other people, but now that he’s hurting her he’s a bad guy. Fuck them all.
But if Trump is going to go - and he has to go, emphatically - these people need to be provided the education in politics and empathy they never received.
Teach them and mobilise them.
We can agree to disagree in our approach - I would rather foment my spite for a wider revolution against this occupation, but I do get you.
What about the 90 million people who didn't vote at all?
I am a baaad man!!😉
She got what she voted for!
Now she gets to FIND OUT
So fuck her
No sympathy.
~ Jennifer Piggott, probably.
A leopard ate her face?
I’m shocked 🙄
Here's a video of a newborn baby bunny. Have a nice night!
Ps. Fuck MAGA for giving us Trump.
Hurting OTHER people is GREAT. As long as it doesn't affect ME!!!
MAGA mindset 🤷♂️
And he fucking is proud of it.
Swim in it,
Shrugg it off,
Swing with it ..
Start Digging your way out
Here's a rope I'll helpfully U out 🖕👏👏👏🫶Bob