I’m not sure Trump is a massive fan of the constitution. I think he regards it as an occasionally useful excuse rather than a set of guiding principles.
Why have they not done anything about these laws? Fuck Trump! I normally don't use the f word but since he's took office a nasty side of me has came out. =(
Happy Sunday Mayra. Somehow, pretty much every President before the #SeditionistInChief (possible exception of Nixon) went along with the concept that the President is supposed to follow the law! #DictatorWannabe
Only problem you have is that a criminal who should actually be in prison is allowed to become president.. therefore he feels he is above the law and the constitution.... expect more defying of Court orders, the Republican supreme Court gave him license with their immunity ruling.. darkness
I understand that, that does NOT HELP! This MF needs to BE IN PRISON, not having some other UNELECTED IDIOT cutting and slashing shit like he’s some kind of Edward fucking scissorhands!!!
Who is going to stop him, the courts have no army or police force to enforce their mandate and the people are too scared to take up arms against him and his fascist. So, what does democracy loving American do other march in protest. We are screwed.
The courts have the U.S. Marshalls Service to enforce.
If Marshalls refuse, Judges have legal authority to “designate others” to enforce their rulings.
Isn’t the Marshall Service under the Executive Branch or are they under the court? If a Judge designate other like a sworn posse, would they have authority to carry weapons????
yes, Marshalls are under Executive branch, which is why the “other designated” is crucial. Din’t know about arms, but I’m guessing judge could so declare.
Also guessing U.S. Marshalls would ignore an illegal/unconstitutional order from Trump.
Personally, I bought a gun and am learning how to use it. I have things and people I would fight to protect. And those who would do them harm have guns. Just sayijn'.
He actually DOES have
power to break Law. ⚖️
And when he instructs
others to break Law, he
can shield and/or pardon
them ~ as they were just
an extension of himself.
I mean, let’s be fair. He is doing amazing hard work for us. He is so tired. He needs a vacation. He needs a break said nobody.. i’m trying to figure it out. How does Congress and all the rest of the crew always get to go on vacation but people like us can barely scrape up change to go anywhere?🤷🏽♀️
It's up to us. This is a video of yesterday's protest outside Fox, CNN, MSNBC and they didn't cover it. Call them and find out why not. Just like you'd call your representatives, call them till you get an answer. Please spread this, call, & go protest! https://youtu.be/9Diacwg_SVU?si=ZpiQtn5jhrZR6amu
But this hugely corrupt right wing activist majority on SCOTUS ruled that the President CAN break the law if it's in the course of carrying out "official duties". And by President they really meant Trump.
But the corrupt Supreme Court says anything he does is not illegal.
They all need to be tried for treason.
And the consequences carried out in a public event, as France did centuries before us.
Seen from Europe the US has passed the point of no return. There is no «normal» way to regain your democracy. Dictators and their enablers do not leave on free will, they have to be carried out of office by the people!
But the current anti-constitution Supreme Court has empowered presidents (Trump specifically as no others have been so intent on breaking our laws) to break our laws without consequence!
“Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a fight about to start when tomorrow comes.” Les Miserables
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦 https://youtu.be/1q82twrdr0U
Only he's not, The Heritage Foundation is writing the laws pertaining to our rights while Elon's lawyers and other billionaires are writing laws pertaining to our funding and regulations
AND yet, he is making laws that his MAGA crowd in every Department follows, AND, break the law as and when he feels like it. The Felon is the law as things stand at the moment.
Of course, our little disgrace is in there trying to do exactly that...rewrite the laws and declare himself king or "dictator for life" if he can get away with it.
Unfortunately, SCOTUS gives him all of those things…Also, there is absolutely no enforcement power even if he didn’t have SCOTUS cover. He can essentially do what he wants
You know when you wake up at 2 o’clock in the morning, and you think of every terrible thing that you could ever think of lol
Well, this is what’s on my head. How do you fight someone that doesn’t have to care about rules?
True, presuming that our laws still exist and there are people who are willing to abide by them. The Maga Supreme Court has basically given the president to do anything he chooses to do.😡
Now, you don’t really think trump is going to let the law or Constitution stand in his way, do you?
He wants to do to them what he plans to do with part of the WH Rose Garden: pave them.
I'm sure - because I heard him say it - that he believes that he can do whatever he wishes. In fact, he said that before the SCOTUS issued that ruling. According to his niece, he has been saying that his whole life.
It's up to others to rein him in. He knows that too.
This needs to get reviewed ASAP. He intentionally IGNORED court orders last night, refusing to return the Venezuelans he illegally deported. This creates a paradox where he is both ignoring court orders, but also immune from court orders. I mean, WTAF?
We cannot wait to see this reversed.
We must get organized NOW, and together put a stop to this fascist takeover.
The shell-shock phase is over, time to get serious.
America has always been an important arrogant country that people tolerated, even longed to live there. For me being a 🇨🇦 border girl, always felt like I needed a shower when I crossed back home. And we as 🇨🇦 are unique.
Your laws or lack of have failed you!! 🤬🤥🤨
As someone who was born in the US, lived there until I realized what was going on, then permanently moved to Canada, I heartily agree. Every time I go down to visit family, I feel a weight lifted off when I cross the border back to MY country: Canada.
The selfishness down there makes it meaner, IMO
I hope our democracy lasts until at least mid-term elections so Dems can take back the House and maybe the Senate. Destruction of our government is going so fast I can hardly keep up with the news.
Yet here we are. Why? Because the R's are all a bunch of Spineless Cowards with no Integrity, no Morals, and certainly no Balls to stand up to the POS and put him in his place which should be a 6 X 8 cell.
Not in a dictatorship ..this is what the Biden administration and the elected democrat representatives has left the citizens to fend and fight for themselves..
The Republican Congress has surrendered the power of the purse and their Constitutional duties to the Trump/Elon "Asses of Evil". They are like a rump parliament, or like Putin's sham government, who rubber stamps decisions decided for them in advance.
I'm no legal scholar, but what I gather from the requirements of impeachment were that high crimes and misdemeanors meant any crime, whether minor or major.
Therefore to debate the meaning was simply an indicator of their misinterpretation of the law.
That's why we should have intelligent leadership
Yeah but that only meant all former Presidents, this one can do whatever he wants. Like flying down to Florida every weekend to play golf, spending our money and ignoring all of his fellow Americans who have lost their jobs, homes, healthcare and lives!
And yet, here we are - one constitutional crisis after another! JFC - And to think we could have had a REAL president and VP now, and could go to bed at night and not have to worry about what fresh hell we'd wake up to each day. It's 1000× worse than his last circus!
Trump just weaponized a 225-year-old law to rewrite immigration—and the courts stand in his way. If he wins, this won’t stop with immigrants. Protesters, journalists, political opponents—who’s next? The precedent will outlive him. Here’s what’s at stake.
Does anybody think trump even knew about that law? There is a whole host of Koch, Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation funded lawyers working full time to find anything that would even hint at supporting their actions.
Yes, they are all right by each other. CNN, MSNBC, Fox. None of them covered any of the protests on Friday or Saturday. Not even the one right outside their doors. Call them and ask why.
Mayra, Trump is BREAKING the LAW right & left! What are we going to do about it? If we don’t do anything we may never get rid of him until he literally DIES. I’m not being hyperbolic. His goal is to become President for life like China’s Xi. Nobody knows how long that would be, but I’m fed up NOW!
"A massive fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." - Donald Trump (Dec, 2022)
They don't consider the Constitution a valid document any longer. #DoNotSubmit #AmericaInPeril
I have to blame a lot of this on the Supreme Court! Trump took their ruling of immunity, and ran with it! In his feeble brain, he can do anything without consequence! And he is pushing that ruling! But I refuse to believe that there is not something/someway to take him down!!
SCOTUS: that’s not what our constitution says! It gives the president UNLIMITED POWER, !!!! The hell with all those veterans who died for DEMOCRACY!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬
True, but the Constitution is no good if no one is enforcing it. So right now I have no faith in those pieces of paper because not one authority is enforcing it.
Marbury v. Madison: Not Just A Good Idea. It's The Law.
This includes Illegal Executive Orders, as explained in USA Today article March 15th, 2025.
Furthermore, We the People cannot allow our Children poor education, & expect to complete in this World.
Felon 47 & FElon MuskRat are Wrong!
Since he said he was going to ignore the Constitution he had to have that cover from HIS judiciary!
Any case brought he will appeal to SCOTUS and once there it will be ruled in FAVOR of TRUMP because, 100% immunity!
If Marshalls refuse, Judges have legal authority to “designate others” to enforce their rulings.
Also guessing U.S. Marshalls would ignore an illegal/unconstitutional order from Trump.
power to break Law. ⚖️
And when he instructs
others to break Law, he
can shield and/or pardon
them ~ as they were just
an extension of himself.
They all need to be tried for treason.
And the consequences carried out in a public event, as France did centuries before us.
I'm living in the worst fucking timeline...
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
Praying Judges can and will stop him. Shitler is acting so fast, just like Hitler did.
Dems MUST get a new Senate Minority leader (like Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut) to get us thru this radically different & difficult time.
The second we retake control, we must expand SCOTUS to 13 members and consider impeaching the more corrupt current members.
We can’t trust the Democrats
Well, this is what’s on my head. How do you fight someone that doesn’t have to care about rules?
He wants to do to them what he plans to do with part of the WH Rose Garden: pave them.
There's no one enforcing it!!!
And ..
Didn't SCOTUS throw a wrench into such "woke" assumptions?
It's up to others to rein him in. He knows that too.
We must get organized NOW, and together put a stop to this fascist takeover.
The shell-shock phase is over, time to get serious.
Your laws or lack of have failed you!! 🤬🤥🤨
The selfishness down there makes it meaner, IMO
Uhhh....there's that major point as well
Article 3 of the 14th. Amendment.
Empty suits in vacant chairs.
Therefore to debate the meaning was simply an indicator of their misinterpretation of the law.
That's why we should have intelligent leadership
March 16, 2025.
Look around you. This is what is happening.
Orange Man has absolutely no respect for judicial authority and the potential implications for the rule of law.
Wake Up America 😡🤬
All he needs is people who won't lift a finger to stop him in positions of power.
And he already has those.
They don't consider the Constitution a valid document any longer. #DoNotSubmit #AmericaInPeril
Karma doesn't even seem to hit this p.o.s.
1/6 of the Serbian Population were on the street last night!
That would be 66,000,000 in America!
1.5 Million 🇺🇸 attended the Superbowl Party. At that very instant in time - Elon Musk robbed the Treasury w only 40 Protestors Outside!
66,000,000 : 1,500,000 : 40