Didn't Mary Trump say that her grandfather was so demented they gave him an office and put papers that were allegedly documents for him to sign? They made it seem like he was still functioning (in his eyes) when he was being tolerated in his dementia.
Well, dick head trump never won a "smart" man award, so there is that. Plus, mushroom little dick trump filed a law suit against his college to prevent them from ever releasing his grades. That says it all. I don't care who sees my grades.
DJ Trump is a total moron. He does things and goes a half cocked and lets them go through and he thinks his signature some kind of godsend or whatever he will never ever measure up to a president of any kind and the only king he is is a Burger King. He is totally asinine and totally incompetent
Meh, this hissy fit by Felon tRump, American Traitor, is just the mutterings of the most ignorant, stupid fake president in American...no, world...history!
dementia in action. probably why he also doesn’t remember signing order on war power or sending people to the scariest prison of south america or liking mc donald’s or sleeping on the couch or changing diaper or …..
We were by far a greater nation before MAGA.
They have a different dictionary, where great is defined as plundered by the 0.1% and the masses have a boot on their necks.
Fortunately I will be dead before the midterms and will not have to see the day when elections are canceled in 3.5 years that Trump takes another term or he hands it down to someone worse
Well, I’m glad he flies private because I think they’d have to fumigate the plane from his smell (even in first class). His smell is becoming a national disaster - one big climate change - according to many in his company and the media.
I’ve been seeing commercial aircraft flying towards Austin-Bergstrom airport on different flight paths than the norm. Now I am guessing it has something to do with an FAA staffing issue. Damn 😏
Gosh, I kinda miss the good ol' when republicultists blamed @petebuttigieg.bsky.social when a traffic light didn't work but entire $#@&ing airports did.
That looks like a death mask to me. Did he eat a bad burger? By the time he's done we're going to look like a 6th world country. He's the only "prez" who truly despises this country!
His a fake leader
Email: https://asayinteriors.proton.me
Aren’t coming….
Signed your former
Thinks they are
Then anyone.
The more you strive to make people forget about something, (like heroic Black soldiers) the more people will think about it.
When it applies to forgetting people, they’ll ensure those names grow more powerful with time.
They have a different dictionary, where great is defined as plundered by the 0.1% and the masses have a boot on their necks.
We will see what we can do from our end!
Bloody well done though.
Folks are turning US products upside down on store shelves.
I did my part at Costco!
“Actions speak louder than money.”
-Paraphrasing "The Replacements"
Good fight. 🇨🇦🤠
This is almost like Thanos’ snap 🫰