On the left: National Review on Bill Cassidy last week
On the right: National Review on Bill Cassidy today
On the right: National Review on Bill Cassidy today
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We will not forget this
We ALL know
You KNOW better
You are a coward
And a liar
You are wittingly enabling
An insane heroin addict
Who has been paid MILLIONS
To falsely debunk vaccines
You took an oath
To protect lives
Eternal shame on you
May this be your legacy
No Modern day GOP member would ever make the list for JFK’s book “Profiles in Courage”
But they could fill volumes in “Profiles in Cowardice”
I guess this is what American Liberals felt when it was necessary to have Stalin as an ally
We are so fu**ed.
they know that in the end, it'll be their kids and grandkids who suffer from easily preventable diseases, just on this one easy call that Cassidy couldn't get right
The Pottery Barn rule is now in effect: You break it, you own it.
Gonna have lots of blood on his hands
How the fuck will he sleep at night?