True, maybe, but the streets all around this place today are gridlocked with the SUVs people used to get there. Wrong way drivers, angry honkers, illegal parkers, illegal right turners, cars driving on the Cherry streetcar right-of-way: I saw it all this in my 10-minute walk nearby.
It is honestly so fascinating how every time a city creates a pedestrianized destination it turns out to be incredibly popular, and brings in millions of dollars in business revenue... yet most Canadian cities throw up their hands, say "We're not Europe!" and carry on without them.
Or we build 2 blocks worth - the only car free spaces in cities of 500K to 2M - and then whine because people hang out there.
We don’t send cops walking on the beat to police the spaces and encourage good behaviour.
They patrol from cars.
Then we whine because people we don’t like hang out there.
In between our whining, we make sure we go on and on and on to our friends about our marvellous wine tour through Italy, and how wonderful and peaceful the towns in Tuscany are.
Then we get back to whining about those weirdos who want walkable, multifamily neighbourhoods - in OUR city!
We don’t send cops walking on the beat to police the spaces and encourage good behaviour.
They patrol from cars.
Then we whine because people we don’t like hang out there.
Then we get back to whining about those weirdos who want walkable, multifamily neighbourhoods - in OUR city!