I'd love to see a mothership drone take one of those Dracarys drones, release it withing range of the airfield and program it to fly over the flight line dropping thermite over the line of aircraft. I don't think it would take much to set one of these on fire that would engulf the whole thing.
There will be a day when FPV kamikaze drones can be programmed to seek out targets autonomously. When they are you will be able to launch them via rocket or deploy them from fixed wing drones and they can hunt and kill independently. Imagine if they could find planes, land on them, then detonate.
I know in the older jets they did but unsure about the more modern jets though. More a hangover from the days of props & less sophisticated cockpits and instruments.
The aircraft I have taxied as training aids didn't have stick shifts. But I am aware that some jets can reverse thrust to slow down
Do fighter jets have reverse on their stick shifts?
Rear view mirrors and back up beepers?
The aircraft I have taxied as training aids didn't have stick shifts. But I am aware that some jets can reverse thrust to slow down