Let them stay there until the war is over, prisoners and stolen children are returned home, minefields are dealt with and money for reconstruction is needed.
Yeah that's why Notaprez is butting in & ignoring the Budapest Memorandum. That's why Naduty invaded. That's why muskrat threatened to cut off Starlink. That's why the weasels are circling. Bunch of greedy punks.
Perhaps trump can go suck it. The bullying extortionist is violating international & federal laws, assaulting democracy left & right, is in cahoots with putin, is playing w people's lives & well-being, is a narcissistic sociopath & wasn't legally elected. He can honor the treaty or F off.
Perhaps Trump should be shown the signed agreement Ukraine made with America, Russia and the UK where in return for giving up its nuclear weapons they would defend Ukraine if attacked. No where does it mention compensation. Perhaps all Country's who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq should bill the USA
It really angers me because Australia have gone to war for America in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait..Whilst not in large numbers, still a lot for a country with 27 million people and a small Armed Forces and NEVER have we asked America to cover our costs. We did it as mates, allies, true friends.
😁 It does, actually. It forbids compensation. I found it yesterday. It specifically states no one can demand resources or repayment or payment from Ukraine bc it's in exchange for disarmament & therefore those demanding disarmament are bound to defend with $, materials & troops & prevent invasion!
And MAGA offers 500 millions. Trump is not a real billionaire... he can't make the difference between millions and billions. That's why Elmo could buy US for 250 millions
La ruSSie doit impérativement quitter tout le territoire ukrainien.
La guerre russe doit cesser par la défaite du criminel, poutine.
Il n’y a pas d’alternative.
Who, me? I'm not mad. Why do you ask? Lol.