Note that they all have similar saddles, this means they have actually been equipped centrally and not just taken horses and equipment locally.
Are we now starting to see regular dragoon units again?
"Ich weiß nicht mit welchen Waffen der 3. Weltkrieg geführt werden wird, aber die Russen werden wie im 1. Weltkrieg kämpfen. "- frei nach Albert Einstein
They can't afford to sacrifice equipment and trained soldiers anymore. They need them in the occupied territory. Being an animal lover, this is heartbreaking.
Positive aspect of the 🐎 and🫏in the Russian Army is, that they have a smaller Co2-footprint than the trucks.
I suggest that Russia should replace all fossil driven vehicles with animals 🙂
Horses and donkeys have not been seen on the frontline (yet). They seem to be used for transport as for now. It says nothing about UAF but alot about that russia lacks proper vehicles.
I see the total numbers about captured territory and if russian logistics or tactics or whatever is contributing to the new territories gained it means all is working. And if that all looks stupid but it is working - it is not stupid.
I hate over-optimism too much to celebrate anythin in advance. So far Ukraine has a lot to prove because I only see how they are receiving all the aid and stuff and are baraly defending against ruskies on donkeys. To me Ukrainians sucks the way more at this moment than any stray russian dog.
Horses back on the battle field. Must say I didn't se that coming, but I guess this is what an even war of attrition eventually means in the era of drones. Back to REALLY robust stuff.
Next up: homing pigeons.
Fuel is cheap, plenty and available and once they're broken, they're still edible:)
This tells more about Ukrainian forces than russian because ruskies keep advancing while drung bare asses playing harmonica and horses do not make them weaker.
What? 😅 Level of cope is nauseating 🤣 They’re on horses because 🇺🇦 has destroyed so many armoured vehicles that the Soviet stockpiles going back 70 or 80 years are almost depleted & nazi ruzzia is incapable of producing new ones to scale like the USSR did due to lack of materials & skilled labour 🖕🏻
Just becase ruskies are keep on advancing with their asses naked being drunk and sucking kocks to my eyes tells me more about ukrainians than russians.
It’s easy to advance when you don’t give a 💩 about the human cost involved. 🇷🇺 is so fvcked it now sends cripples to the frontlines, N. Koreans & migrants who are Shanghai’d into the army. What major cities have been captured? In 100 years expending men at the same rate maybe you’ll get all of 🇺🇦
I did not mention anything else. Only the fact of ruskies still advancing. So you may laugh at their horses but even you do not deny the fact I mentioned.
Are we now starting to see regular dragoon units again?
I suggest that Russia should replace all fossil driven vehicles with animals 🙂
Next up: homing pigeons.
Fuel is cheap, plenty and available and once they're broken, they're still edible:)