How does it feel like to fear for your life and the life of your friends and family?
How is it like to look at the terrorized face of a child and know that you are completely powerless?
How does it feel to know that your destiny is now decided by pure chance?
Being in that situation absolutely sucks. Hope that most of them learn that this is the same terror their army is subjecting innocents in Ukraine every day.
Oh, they’ll get used to them: America has. Once they start having one or two a day, it’ll be less newsworthy.
Luckily for TerroRussia, the remedy that Americans have for OUR daily mass shootings is still affordable even under the most stringent sanctions: “thoughts and prayers!”
Not all Russians are bad people. There are innocent people that don’t like and disagree with dictator Putin. Just like America where many of us have hatred towards Trump and his policies. I hope all innocent people in this incident are safe.
There were protest this past weekend and more protests planned for this coming Saturday. Do a little research and find out where a protest will be close to you so that you can join in.
How is it like to look at the terrorized face of a child and know that you are completely powerless?
How does it feel to know that your destiny is now decided by pure chance?
Not so great i bet.
Even though ISIS was saying they did it.
Luckily for TerroRussia, the remedy that Americans have for OUR daily mass shootings is still affordable even under the most stringent sanctions: “thoughts and prayers!”
Shows the level of fear pervading the mind of the citizens