🇱🇹❗️Russia's attack on Lithuania is possible as early as this fall. This could be our last peaceful summer, — BILD
Russia announced large-scale exercises in Belarus. The Baltic countries are concerned that during these exercises, Russian Armed Forces may cross the border.
Russia announced large-scale exercises in Belarus. The Baltic countries are concerned that during these exercises, Russian Armed Forces may cross the border.
We are in deep sh*t with and without war.
russia on full war status cannot defeat Ukraine.......
Which NATO countries would respond?
Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland would, but others?
EU needs to get starlink alternatives and targeting satellites upstairs yesterday
However, North Korea, Iran, and possibly also China supply Russia.
And if there's a ceasefire in Ukraine, Russia's own production will catch up.
And Königsberg is german not baltic.
And it was prussia as there is no ß in baltic languages.
The Invasion of Ukraine was a massive intelligence failure
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There it is , again, that funny feeling “
( Some #Vatniks say I am crazy )☝️
But 🇷🇺 isn't capable yet minus a pause & force rebuilding
This is hint to #NATO-1 to prepare
Just in time for Victory Day parade in Moscow.
All three Baltic countries—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—are members of NATO. They joined the alliance on March 29, 2004.
An attack on any member of NATO is considered an attack on NATO.
There has been talk about some sort of digital surveillance and "a drone wall".
Mines will be laid soon.
Make russia understand, if they take one step across that border, it's game on.
A Trumpian peace will relieve just enough troops to make this happen. Short term they don't need the high numbers in 🇺🇦 if it is only for defense.
There is no better time.
Who knows, it might even be agreed with Washington.
"Lithuania has been a member of NATO since March 29, 2004, joining the alliance alongside other countries in the second wave of post-Cold War enlargement."
For Lithuania.
I see a more than 50/50 chance of succes for such a scenario.
🇺🇲 wont help 🇪🇺... and 🇪🇺 has been dithering for too long to be prepared.
This is the best chance 🇷🇺 gets.
Who knows, it might well be agreed with Trump already.
If limited initially to Lithuania it surely can.
There is no better time. Europe is still in-decisive and therefore not capable to defend and Trump doesn't care - it might even be part of the 'deal' with Putin.
With the dissolving Nato alliance it would be perfect timing for the de-nazifiers to also pursue a territorial corridor to the Baltic sea.
Europe should definately revise their sanctions-only policy, even before the events escalate.
He is definitely going to lose his window when we start investing soon.
Not even saying I think it will happen, but there would be a logic.
Nevertheless, Lithuania is mining their border and rightfully so.
Any 'peace' in 🇺🇦 will be traded for the opportunity to take minimum Lithuania (Sulwaki corridor).
If I were FSB I would come to the conclusion there wouldn't be a better time.
Once they are in - they won't be kicked out. 🇪🇺 doesn't have the strength - yet.
I am quite sure Washington won't do anything - apart from celebrating with Putin.
There is no time to hesitate
You know what to do
Bild is just repeating what the military expects and takes countermeasures for!
These are facts, forces are not dilly dallying or lollygaging! This is soldiers preparing for the worst!
Large scale 🤣
And 2022 in Ukraine
It's been an ongoing cause of frustration for the people in the frontline states to witness the responses range from incredulity and doing nothing to being paralyzed by fear caused by nuclear blackmail and also doing pretty much nothing.
We can't go on like this.
He has men. He has to mobilize, though. Can't rely on volunteers for this campaign.
Soviet stockpiles are almost gone but North Korea, Iran, and possibly also China supply Russia.
If there's a ceasefire in Ukraine, Russia's own production will catch up.
Whatever victory takes, right now 🔥