Noooooooo😭😭😭!! All the popcorn is gone😭🍿! Maybe there’s a chance that you can get a new one 🥲? Unless your parents can give it to make it up to you😃? Either way, I hope you’ll get your popcorn back😁🍿💖💙👍Otherwise, you can take mine to enjoy🤗🍿✨
Reason 22 to move out.
Now we need to take bets: when you ask then about it are they gonna say "it's your rent for the month," "when you live under my roof...," or "sorry I spent __ hours in labor, birthing you."
Now we need to take bets: when you ask then about it are they gonna say "it's your rent for the month," "when you live under my roof...," or "sorry I spent __ hours in labor, birthing you."