Except that's not the way English works. Might as well claim "they" is always a plural or that using a past tense in a present hypothetical conditional is wrong.
Bro I just gave you the exact way to say it correctly. That *is* how English works. I will grant you that English is quite wonky and the rules don’t always yield sensible results, so sure: there’s wiggle room here to be imprecise. But why do that when you could instead be well understood?
That certainly seems counterintuitive, since religion is plural. Can you give any examples of this use? Alternatively, if you meant there's only one, why wouldn't you say "there's an entire religion", for clarity?
I can't find any evidence of what you are saying, but if you mean that Catholics think it's murder, just say that. Are there any religions that do? The phrase could mean multiple, after all.
So rare to see it on this side of the playing field