How much have you studied the US’ propaganda machine? What country do you think has invested the most resources in its propaganda machine for the last 75 years? Do you think you’ve ever been taken in by any of it?
Yeah, the BIPOC left. The yt left is still just as shockingly vile as ever and will continue to be until they can admit to and finally tackle their rampant racism and anti-blackness.
You’re talking to the wrong guy about that. You mean the far left, where the racists in the party tend to live. Anyway, you have an ally in me and if you ever need help getting information out I’m happy to help. DM’s are always open. Have an amazing weekend!!!
Sorry my answer didn’t satisfy you. But you don’t know me. I do understand where you are coming from with your frustration and am always happy to listen when my privilege as a while male comes into play if I haven’t noticed I was biased. I can assure you I am not perfect and always growing.
When I offer assistant to help you get information out I mean it. And am happy to help you in your endeavors. I’m no white savior and understand I’m one person. But I assure you I’m not your enemy and would love any opportunity to do better when I haven’t. Have a great weekend and my DM’s are open
Russians are really good at brainwashing Americans, they have a whole industry for it. They have universities dedicated to it.
So when they partnered up with the News Corp?
America didn’t stand a chance.
There! Fixed it for ya!!
So when they partnered up with the News Corp?
America didn’t stand a chance.