Republicans are pushing a budget deal that includes 880 billion dollars in cuts to Medicaid. They are being punished in town halls across the country because of it. Its clear their policies are unpopular with their constituents.
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Republicans face death threats and threats of being primaried if they don’t vote for everything Trump and Musk want. So they will. And Republicans have perfected the bogeyman ad campaign that demonizes Dems. They’ll just keep rolling it out each election cycle. Works every time. I truly admire your resilience among your ‘colleagues’ and being a voice for sensibility. But you are surrounded by Murdoch and Trump sycophants, surely it can’t be healthy for you.
Far right reps balk at this bill cuz it "doesn't cut enough", while Lee looks like a moderate.
Bill doesn't pass cuz Dems won't vote on this monstrosity, then GOP blames Dems: "This bill was helps Medicaid but Dems nixed it. Dems don't care about the poor."
I wonder how Fox will spin the economic calamity that comes from this? Let's be honest, the majority of this pain will hit a lot of rural communities and states. Folks are already starting to sour on the economy so Republican members of Congress better be careful b/c a mutiny may be imminent!
With all the action at the town halls, do these presenters understand that they are laughing at some of their audience? And it probably isn't appreciated?
This is all the MAGAt Caucus could agree on, at least to.put something on the floor. If they fail, maybe we can play Speaker roulette again, and just before the debt limit deadline!
Respect jessica you get your message out I'm sure the viewers are listening and as this becomes real more will realise how mean this administration really is all people need health care
laughing and making a joke out the fact that 72 million families will lose health cover im Australian I recently lost my husband to cancer the treatment he received was amazing and didn't cost me anything why is it so bad in America to provide this basic right it's sad
So why would they risk supporting career ending policies? Simple, because they know there will never be free and fair elections ever again in this country. Game, set, match folks.
The bottom line is most of these representatives are in safe districts. Their chances of losing their seats in a general election are very small, so the primary is their real election. And they’re scared to death of Elon financing a primary challenger.
Thank you for doing what you do! How you manage to refrain from throat punching your cohorts, on the daily, is beyond me. Watters gives me both nausea and diarrhea simultaneously, so good on you for keeping it together.
If they took DT’s wang out of their mouths long enough to get oxygen to their brains, they might realize they that following Mango Mussolini off a cliff is going to hurt their chances at re-election - and question why they are bowing to a lame duck madman with no care for the future of the GOP
The very few that even host townhalls are being punished. Most are like my do nothing R rep...they hide out like cowards from the people. My rep wouldn't even say if he would vote for the resolution.
I don’t know what weed you’re smoking before or after these shoots that allows you to maintain your cool calmness in the face of these fools but whatever it is I want it because these imbeciles get my blood pressure pumping
I hadn't thought about it until now, but this is a pretty good loyalty test for these Congressman. Stay strong and there might be a cabinet position in it for you.
What evil were the ones laughing born from, laughing at the real possibility of Americans being targeted in such a way? This is just sick to watch, but needs to be shown.
That blonde cunt laughing at the potential (and likely) suffering of millions of AMERICANS really proves these people have no soul, no morality. They are evil.
80 million are on Medicaid are in bad health, senior citizen and needy to survive daily. Have GQP become zombies due to fear of DT Retaliate against them or greed is dangerous and morally wrong. Civil unrest is growing, the lying king with jokers have to go with full impeachment of maga.
PSYCHOPATHS Putin’s/Trump’s/Eloon’s MAGAs are a redux of PSYCHOPATH Hitler’s Nazis = psychopaths (1 in 25 persons in the general population) & their psychotic human pets.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Cutting Medicaid to pts that can’t afford healthcare, but who still need it, will punish healthcare workers. Who do you think pays for unpaid medical bills? The staff. Through layoffs, pay cuts, lack of supplies, etc. It’s not like you cut Mcaid & ppl stop needing care. Who’s going to cover it?Staff
Far right reps balk at this bill cuz it "doesn't cut enough", while Lee looks like a moderate.
Bill doesn't pass cuz Dems won't vote on this monstrosity, then GOP blames Dems: "This bill was helps Medicaid but Dems nixed it. Dems don't care about the poor."
Just wait and see.
The bottom line is most of these representatives are in safe districts. Their chances of losing their seats in a general election are very small, so the primary is their real election. And they’re scared to death of Elon financing a primary challenger.
Keep fighting the good fight!
These Republican pundits are the epitome of cruel.
As it has always been, as it shall always be.
You were warned.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.