She’s gotta try & debate 5 days a week with 4 of the most despicable cocksucking whores on earth!👀🤬…🖕🏻🫵🏻 all💩💩💩💩! I wish there was a real Heaven & Hell! I’d pay to watch them all🔥!!!! Karma is a bitch, & it’s coming for all who lie for a living!!!😤
Trump International was GREAT before 2016 when emissaries stayed there, during the 1st Trump term when they stayed there, after the 1st term when they stayed there, and now again during the 2nd term. Nothing's changed. Emissaries want to stay at the Greatest Resorts their taxpayers' money can buy!
To Jessica and any other left-wing pundit that does this:
STOP calling Trump's grown ass adult children, his "kids". These aren't middle school children. By the way, your network never stopped saying, "Hunter Biden!" Instead of Biden's kid. Words mean things and they definitely shape the narrative.
No clue what they pay you at Fox, but I'd need it to be tripled to have spend an hour a day surrounded by that verbal diarrhea. If I were you, I'd just say "$787 million" every time the camera was on me.
I love but are these debates worth it? Her co-hosts don't believe a word they are saying. Jessica knows they don't believe it. The viewers know they don't believe it. If these are the rules of the game then the game sucks.
Yes, Trump continuing to lease Trump International from GSA after he became president was a violation of his lease agreement, and it should have been terminated. That’s not to mention the violations of the Emoluments Act when foreign nations paid him for “hotel stays”.
Jessica I love how you are stating facts and every time truth is stated the gang of 4, including that so called judge, gang up on you to interrupt. Keep talking and don’t allow their idiocy to talk over you. Remind them that you don’t interrupt them, tell them to stop disrespecting you!
Fox News letting Greg and Jeanine blatantly lie about Biden leaving the astronauts in space shouldn't go unchecked. DP is the worst of them! I expect better from her. But she full maga now and just fall in line with Trump lies and disparaging other women.
Thank you for your bravery and integrity Jessica, please persist and do not get discouraged in that nest of vipers. You are like a shining lighthouse of facts and truth in the dark sea of nonsense and lies. Your voice matters very much!
You have the patience of a saint Ms. Tarlov. Don’t know if I could excercise any restraint for those Trump simps. I appreciate your efforts to reach any MAGA folks.
Jessica, you have to realize that Fox's (and other right wing media sources) lies are a big reason why we are in this mess. The lies have brainwashed MAGA into hating the left and believing Trump is the answer. Why do you still work there?
Respect for having to work with those people. Holy cow. You deserve whatever you are getting plus you should get spot bonuses for keeping your cool when they say something idiotic.
STOP calling Trump's grown ass adult children, his "kids". These aren't middle school children. By the way, your network never stopped saying, "Hunter Biden!" Instead of Biden's kid. Words mean things and they definitely shape the narrative.
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
I would've punched both Jesse Watters and Jeannine Pirro in the throat by now!!
Keep holding their feet to the fire.
Bless you for standing tall and fighting fantasy with facts.
I appreciate your work - it illuminates the deep nuttery and helps us all adjust to the reality that facts and logic are not controlling the debate.
Profound, persistent protesting on every corner