I’ve been thinking the same thing for 60 days. These are the same people who were pissed beyond belief over a tan suit wondering why we’re enraged over these dipshits gutting everything without a second thought while the corruption flows freely.
You said virtually nothing to her on the show, but then push this out afterwards. You’re no match for Kayleigh. Oh yeah, and Kelly is in the wrong here. Musk saved the lives of 2 astronauts abandoned by Biden/Harris. TDS is real. So is MDS. God bless McEnany for standing up to your liberal 🐂 💩
Every time I see a Tesla I call it a swatzikar, give it the finger & cuss musk. Anytime I think of NY or Florida I think of the orange buffoon and think f tRump. Every morning I wake up and think f them both & all the MAGAts & the MAGA administration and the good things they're destroying. F them.
If not for blonde hair bleach, MAGA would be comprised of nothing but white men. The female of their species seems not to be capable of functioning without it.
Could it be that Mark Kelly (actually, each of us) is reminded of it daily because you cannot make it through even a brief top-of-the-hour radio news brief without hearing what illegal things they are up to now? It is E V E R Y dam# day - often multiple times per day!
I'm going to spam a little. Below is a link to a word doc I made on why it's important to occupy conservative spaces and echo chambers. What we permit we promote. I'm not asking you to engage but I am asking you to plant seeds. #dems #X #twitter #facebook
I wake up every morning thinking about how much I hate Trump and Musk and the direction of this country. I get into my Kia every day and think about how much I hate Trump and Musk. I think about it throughout every single day since January 20th.
They don't have any self-awareness. To one up, the Commerce Secretary was on Fox News telling people to buy Tesla stocks.
Seeing Tesla stock going down, down, down is such a happy daily activity for me now 😉
That’s funny she would talk about obsessing over politicians considering Trumps been President for over 100 days and is constantly whining about Biden 🤔
Duh! Makes perfect sense if your car happens to be a tesla. Why does Fox ALWAYS manipulate and distort the facts, simply to make a political point that, upon fuller consideration turns out to be either wrong or irrelevant? 🤦
Anyone who watches "Fox news" has probably had a lobotomy, it is worse than the BBC and that takes some beating for being a stenographer for the establishment!
McEnamy is a disgrace. Another Bimbo Barbie. She’s pretty and she’s stupid. Who gives a 💩 what she has to say? She sealed her fate when she continuously lied from behind the press secretary podium.
What sorts of people are outraged over someone else selling their car … unless … unless they are morally bankrupt & would like you to NOT notice that. Hmmmm …
Musk saved fuck all. The company he bought with competent engineers, scientists, and a myriad of other amazing folks worked together to make that "rescue" happen. The capsule they rode home has been docked at the ISS since September 2024.
I hate trump every day with the passion of a thousand suns! everytime the tv in on they show his face and i hate him evertime. Stop speaking about him and maybe i forget for a minute!
MAGA can't shut up about their dear leader and we are the ones obsessed? Miss me with the bs!
Seems like some good is coming from trying to set fire to the world, I hope more people are waking up to how they are just hosts for the parasitic classes
The two of em are doing damage on the daily, so yeah, it would be plausible for many of us to be thinking about how much we despise Donald and Elon as we've been driving around the last 60 days. Every time I see a Tesla, I am also reminded of Elons nazi salute. That's angering in itself.
First, yes, every day I think about it. Second, it's not bizarre to have negative thoughts every day about someone who is doing something new every day to ruin our country and hurt us citizens. Who watches everything that's happening and DOESN'T think about it every day?!
I sold my Tesla stock last year, could have gotten a little bump if I waited, but if you aren't selling it all now you aren't reading the tea leaves correctly
So grateful for your voice in that environment. You actually need a show of your own show on another network vs. having to play whiplash every day with MAGA.
It’s the response to Trump and MAGA cult’s insane behavior that is the problem according KelkyAnne.
You can't separate them.
Does she think he should be forced to drive a car he dislikes because elmo has hurt feelings?
Whiney fucking victims.
Seeing Tesla stock going down, down, down is such a happy daily activity for me now 😉
Your IQ is greater than the other 4 of "The 5" combined
I'm glad that channel has one voice of reason amongst the MAGA/Musk worshippers
MAGA can't shut up about their dear leader and we are the ones obsessed? Miss me with the bs!
McEnany, which Trump mocked after presidency, still digging a hole...
When this is over, which country will they flee too?
Not now.
Not ever again.
This horrible little shrew McEnany is hard enough to stomach on the tube, let alone within a thousand yards.