@dangillmor - for a good alternative - Bookshop dot org is now selling ebooks, and they give part of their profits from every sale to independent brick and mortar bookstores - https://bookshop.org/ebooks
@TotalSonic @dangillmor … which is great, but unfortunately not for a Kindle, which is what most of us have. If they fix that, we'll really be motoring.
@mike @dangillmor - seems to me that is the deliberate policy of Amazon, to keep competitors' products off of their devices in a "walled garden" - so not something that Bookshop can easily fix. In the meantime there are now lots of good and affordable e-ink readers on the market from companies […]
@TotalSonic @dangillmor I like the sound of that, but all the Book devices seem to start at $250, whereas I can pick up a used Kindle for a tenner on eBay.
@mike @dangillmor - well, I would never tell you to do something illegal, but Kindle books purchased before around 2023 can have the DRM stripped from them and converted to epub, so you can view them in lots of more affordable e-ink devices as well […]
@mike @dangillmor - the non-technical issue is that many of the books Bookshop dot org sells are only made available to them by the publisher if they contain DRM.
They sell current commercial publications among their catalog - whereas Project Guttenberg is archival public domain stuff. It's […]
@TotalSonic @dangillmor Ugh. Among the many many things to hate about the state of the eBook market is how different DRM schemes come intertwined with different formats. It does feel essentially impossible to legitimately buy most books in a format that I can conveniently read. Which of course […]
They sell current commercial publications among their catalog - whereas Project Guttenberg is archival public domain stuff. It's […]