Fairy Ring - A squad of undesirables tasked with the most heinous and messy jobs in the Lornkingdom
✦ #art #oc #entheos
✦ #art #oc #entheos
Orethan - A stoic bounty hunter who fumbled a job so bad it ruined her reputation (fell in love with her mark) It was either this job or nothing.
Lark - The group leader, a rookie Dawn Knight tasked with managing this Ring. They're very positive and eager to please, but very naive.
Tarum - Alchemist wielding a black death magic. A haughty know-it-all, considers himself a genius despite his brain being largely rotted away.
Gremory - A prisoner of mysterious origin, always humming a jaunty carnival tune. He uneased his cellmates so much they put him in the Ring instead.