Of course they are they're covering up their crimes against humanity. Which by the way isn't just against the United States law it's against international law. And there's no f****** escaping that even an American.
I'll say it again, if anyone voted for Trump don't come crying about it when the pain makes it's way to you. Shame on you. When he made fun of someone with a disability that should have been enough. I guess the young women who are dying from preventable causes wasn't enough either. Bugger off.
They are so sick this was my post today after hearing this news. "Public health and epidemiology are fundamental aspects that contribute to population health. Research and cohort studies are essential to our health. Hiding maternal mortality rates will decrease our population for several reasons."
Red states hiding abortion ban deaths? Well of course they are. I knew they would as soon as the supreme court reversed the law and took our right to choose away.
GOP is essentially emptying red states with their policies and anti-vaxx stance. The question now is, will the last people remember to turn off the light?
Of course they are!! It's EXACTLY as it was BEFORE Roe vs Wade, when these deaths went unmentioned!! America went BACK because of the disregard for women!!!
Death follows the orange cult.
Jokes aside, this is rage inducing.
Life of fetus can't be THAT important that you're willing to let grown women (in whom as a society we invested) die in their name.
If they're afraid of FACTS, they know their morals and reasonings aren't in the right place.