Actions have consequences and especially in a world with an abundance of ways to research and find out the truth. Until MAGA veterans & all MAGA people get their asses beat with consequences they will continue to be stupid & vote for horrific politicians.
same reasoning as choosing to vote for a rapist, & guilty 34 counts of fraud. voting for man who is an open racist & misogynist. Do that & then he does things that screw you over,you deserve that. MAGA Veterans voted for this horrible man. now they're gonna have to pay the consequences.No sympathy.
This is for everything around Trump - he will hurt the people that voted for him and all the rest of will also be hurt. But until they realize the consequences of their actions, we have no hope of getting out of this national nightmare
I agree with you. Another perspective is that we all are going to be dealing with things that we didn't vote for & warned about. There's a lot of magats who are not going to like what they will go through due to these policies.
Yes. All of us who did not vote for Trump are going to be arrested by it. I will probably be going on Medicare in a couple of years and wonder how he will gut that. I don't want to hear people who voted for him complain about that.
Amazing how so many will unquestionably put veterans up on a pedestal shielded from any criticism whatsoever. I've known many vets, some were cool, also some were the worst people I've ever met.
We didn't.
We are all going to suffer to some degree.
I’m a veteran.
Never voted for Trump.
Until ppl start to feel consequences for their votes they won’t change their minds.
So here we are.