When 2 options both kill people, but 1 kills exponentially & obliterates more & u choose to add ur political expression to an election formula that automatically adds ur value to the exponentially worse outcome, u cannot possibly claim superior morals.
You should regret it. Aside from Jill Stein being cozy with the Russians, people who voted 3rd party helped elect trump. That isn't working out so well for any of us.
I blocked that woman. She'd apparently be okay with Jewish concentration camps because she's so strong in her advocacy for Gaza that she's now okay with it being scraped clean. Huh? I don't have time to engage cuckoo people.
u have the calculus of a house cat
When 2 options both kill people, but 1 kills exponentially & obliterates more & u choose to add ur political expression to an election formula that automatically adds ur value to the exponentially worse outcome, u cannot possibly claim superior morals.